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"DO AS YOUR TOLD AND GET DRESSED!YOUR COMING OUT WITH ME AND MY MATES!YOU HERE ME?" My dad screams.I get changed and tie my long red hair back into a braid.I put on some mascara and look in the mirror.My eyes were piercing green,I like them.They make me feel unique. "HURRY UP INGRID ROSE ZIEGLER!!" He yells up the stairs."Coming dad." I came out in my regular ripped skinny jeans and black T-shirt. I grab my bag and a rainbow hoodie and jump onto my dads passenger seat.

We pull up at bar(his favourite place) and waves to his 'mates'. Why do I have to come! I just take a seat outside and play candy crush saga on my phone.I text my friend Sarah and ask her if she could come, and she replied saying "See ya then". Finally, some nice company! A few minutes later her black Volvo pulls up and she hops out wearing leather pants and a oversized jumper." Hey" I said as I jumped up to hug her. I order two Pepsi's and we sit, talk and drink."Do you wanna crash at my place?Seeing your dad is you know, drunk."she said."Um, only if its okay with you and your parents, if so that would be great."I said quietly. "Of course its Okay!Go tell your dad and we can go pick up some of your clothes." I run out and tell my dad that I am going. "NO YOU ARE NOT YOUNG LADY!YOU STAY WITH ME!" great, he is drunk.You know what, I am sick of him.I am leaving Forever. "You know what, I am going and am NOT COMING BACK!!!" I yell as I grab my things and get in Sarah's car.As pull into my house, I grab a suitcase and fill it with all my clothes,shoes and toiletries and my only picture of mum."I jump back in the car and we set off to her place.

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