31 | Right Behind You.

Start from the beginning

Fine you guys also laugh now. Ugh!

His laughter died a little when he realized I wasn't really in the best of moods before he shook his head wiping the corner of his eyes.

Ya do that.

"I wish you die while laughing." I couldn't stop the words nor the bitchy sweet smile that rested upon my face making him choke a little as he immediately pressed his lips together and again laughed a supressed laughter, this time with his mouth closed.

"Nuraan!" I couldn't help but stomp my foot in irritation. I hate people making fun of my get up.

Then darling maybe you should stop getting dressed up like it's the last day of you having clothes.

I was happier when he wasn't here. At least I could eat, sleep and dress how I wanted!

You still do that.


He just shook his head at me before taking two black plates out and started to take out the food.

"You know, Wife. I've had ample amount of flings during my high school years and of course I've had relationships. Long and short."

Where on Earth is this going now?

"I'm not gonna say you're the first woman to wear my shirt. Because well, I've had my fair share of fun but..."

I couldn't help but raise my right brow at his words.

"I swear to God no one has ever managed to look funny in it. What girl wears it with clothes inside?" He completed. I simply rolled my eyes as I aimed the seed perfectly at the dustbin brushing my hands together and shrugged.

"That's because you probably have to get laid with a women to get her to be seen in your shirt, only. But in this case we didn't sleep together, genius. Remember? "

Well we haven't even touched each other after that day... Or should I say he...

Not that I want him to! Jeez!

His brows shot up before he bit the corner of his lips and I froze the moment he started taking slow steps towards me. Bouncing a little on my place I started walking towards the slab trying my best to ignore the fact that he was following me. Resting my hands on the counter I inhaled a sharp breath the moment I felt a presence behind me. Pretty close if I may mention.

Turning around. I looked up through my lashes trying my hardest to focus on his face rather than that sculptured torso behind that apron.

God. I never knew I was a pervert!

My breath became a little heavy at the sight oh him biting his lower lip before he started moving closer, gently resting his hands on the slab on either side of me trapping me between him and that marble behind me.

"That could change, you know." His voice came out as a rough whisper. An extremely sexy one at that, making my mouth dry.

"We haven't had our proper wedding night yet, remember?"

Have you ever been in a situation where you just feel like fakeing a fake bomb ass fainting scenario, just so you can get out of it? I had thought of it a lot of time. Mostly when I had to tell my parents that I flung in a subject, but never in my life did I think of that idea popping in my head at such a moment.

Let's just say ever since that day we've kinda opened up to each other. Well since it's the longest we have been together. A proper full blown one week. I know he's trying to move on. I know he's taking slow steps. And I know it's not enough yet but hey! Something is better than nothing, right?? We're both working on it. By both I mean me forcing him to have movie nights together, me gracing his gym hours with my beautiful face early in the morning because he leaves for office too soon, me ordering him to cook dinner for the both of us. Practically. All the fuckin time. And me making sure to give him a peck on his cheeks everytime he's out for work. While he on the other hand works on us by being him and always disregarding my movie night offers, ignoring me in the gym or better yet laughing at my face because either I'm half asleep or I can't lift weights up or by him giving me his dead look every morning after the kiss.

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