Chapter 14: *a v gay person realizes there story is v heteronormative*

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Race POV

"-- And I'm looking for my sister."

Diem froze.

"Your brother?" I said quietly.
'Does he look like me'

I nodded.
'I guess he has made his return, highly unusual considering he is supposed to be dead'

We listened as Jack kept talking to the man.
"Well I've met a dame or two named Diem before. None a dem woulda been caught dead be workin as a new boy."

"Perhaps I could look around in your ranks, to see if she is hiding among them?"

Diem carfully and quickly tucked her braids up into her hat.

"Isnt dat a violation of my rights or somethin?"
"Just a quick look? I really must be finding her. She ran away last year and never came back, I'm worried for her."

Jack rolled his eyes. "Fine, look at 'em aint no goil in the bunch."

Diem let go of my hand as he made his way over examining the faces of all of us.
"Ya wanna stop starin the kid down. Ya makin 'im nervous." Blink said as Samson stared at Diem.

The man moved on and Diem breathed a sigh of relief.
"Listen man, we gots to go start sellin. Clearly she ain't here so just leave." Jack said.

Everyone nodded and started out of the square.
The man left in a huff and Diem let her hair fall free.

"So your brother?"
'Is supposed to be dead. There was a fire,  he never made it out. I got sent to the refuge.' she signed.

"If you thought he was dead why aren't you relieved to see him?"
'Lots of reason. When our parents died i was 8, he was 19. Lets just say he wasn't the best at taking care of me. I just assumed he was dead cause they brought me to the refuge right away.'

I nodded "Well, come on, if he wants you back in his custody he has to go through me, and all the boys. Plus I gotta feelin the sheepshead aint gonna be the first place he looks."
She nodded and we kept walkin.

"Excuse me, I'd like a newspaper."

I turned to see Samson standing there.
"Ya Dont even know da headline."

"Doesn't matter, I buy a paper at a 250% markup, you give me information, deal?"

I ran the numbers, he'd be given me a quarter. Which was a lot due to the fact that it woulda been a penny.

"What kinda infamation."
He held out the quarter, which I took in exchange for a pape.

"I'm looking for someone, I have reason to believe she is hiding out as a newsboy in this city."

"Yeah ya sista, youes were at the circulation gate, dis mornin, I still dont know nottin." I started to turn away when he grabbed my arm.
"I have reason to believe that you and your newsboys are lying."

"Ise gotta reason to believe none of the newsies no nottin and youse just bein a creep."

Over his shoulder I could see Diem hair still out of her hat makin sales.
"We had a deal, just tell me what I need to know."

"I cant tell ya nothin I i dont know nottin."

Samson's face grew angry "A girl, little shorter than you, dark hair, dark blue eyes, doesn't talk much, looks like myself, have you seen her?"

I shook my head "Not round 'ere. Thought I saw a dame like 'er over in Brooklyn, hidin wit dem newsies."

"I have already check Brooklyn, and the outer boroughs, most said nothing, Bronx said Manhattan, Brooklyn nearly killed me for goin over the bridge, let alone askin for some one."

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