Event Log 1: Prologue

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Jaune Arc's pov

Jaune walked through the mist, gripping his sword tightly, Pyrrha and Nora had their weapons in firearm mode while Ren was watching their back. Suddenly, Jaune's scroll beeped a notification, the group jumped. After the fear passed Pyrrha sighed.

"Jaune! How many times have we told you to turn of your notification alarm when we are on a mission?" Pyrrha asked exasperated.

"*Nervous laugh* Sorry!" Jaune said while putting away his sword and taking his scroll out to check what's wrong.

"You're going to check the damn thing?!?" Pyrrha asked angrily "JAUNE, we are on a mission for Pumpkin Pete's sake!"

"I know! I know! It's just a quick peek." Jaune said while thinking "I hope it's not Cardin with an "Assignment" for me"

Suddenly a figure lurks by the group. Nora swivels around and sees something moving.

"Uhhhhhh, Renny! I think I saw something move" Nora nervously said. 

"Nora, what could you have possibly seen?" Ren said turning around, only to discover that  Nora is missing.

Suddenly, a figure speeds at them.

Pyrrha screams.

And then all, went silent.

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