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It should been the feeling of power,
the feeling of strength.
Surviving all of your feelings at once,
but it certainly is not.

Not only will you feel weak,
out in the public,
taken by the people that are coming for you,
only to take you down much more.

You won't feel loved,
there is no sympathy for the weak,
there is no love for the weak.

So you may survive all of that,
become a strong person,
because you know how it feels to be walked over.

Doesn't mean I became who I am because I have had it "bad" and "difficult" don' forget "hard".

It just means I am a survivor,
and no one should go through that.
I would rather be weak and loved over strength and powerful, most important all alone.
No one should go through that just because
"that is what makes you strong."

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