Waiting for Superman

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"She says, 'Yeah, he's still coming, just a little bit late. He got stuck at the laundromat, washing his cape.' And she smiles, oh the way she smiles. She's talking to angels, counting the stars, making a wish on a passing car. She's dancing with strangers, falling apart, waiting for Superman to pick her up in his arms."


The month of July had been filled with adventures. The team had done everything from road trips, to helicopter rides and loved every minute of every day. It was the summer vacation they'd always dreamed of.
The kids had a blast, Grant wasn't as enthusiastic, being nothing but their chauffeur, and Mr Shepherd and Miss Holloway had a good time. They really couldn't have asked for anything better.
It was the middle of August and their break was almost over, there was work to be done back at Area 52. But they were going to end the summer on a satisfying note and travel to this resort with a whole bunch of hot pools.
Not to use the pools, but to attend a banquet that was being held there. Nobody was even sure what was being celebrated, but there would be dancing, snacks and drinks, and that was all that mattered in their minds.

The team arrived at the resort at around 5pm. They took a look around while the sun was still shining, the resort was located on a lake surrounded by a beautiful, green, forest. But they soon needed to begin getting ready, it was a very formal event, the team needed to look their best and show up on time.


When Jack arrived, the place was already packed. It was a beautiful banquet hall, probably used for weddings and such. The light hardwood floors were shined so perfectly that you could almost see your reflection in them, and the big, glass chandelier overhead was hard to tear your eyes from. A grand staircase was to the left of the room, and the hall itself was absolutely humungous.
There were a few tables and chairs with spotless white tablecloths and chair  covers in the right hand corner of the hall, and long tables with the same white tablecloths all alone the walls. On these tables were various snacks and drinks, as promised. Jack decided to grab a glass of champagne and looked around for the rest of his team.
He saw Dylan and Summer enter the room, coming down the grand staircase arm in arm. Summer wore a beautiful blue gown and her hair was pinned up in an elegant manor. They waved to Jack before the two of them went off towards the dessert table.
Jack looked around once more, it was impossible to take in the grandeur of the hall with only one glance. At the front of the room was a stage, where a band dressed in tuxedos was playing sweet songs that fit the tone of the night.
In the middle of the room, was the dance floor. Summer and Dylan were already dancing together when Tucker arrived, wearing a nicely ironed dark red shirt. He met a group of kids around his age and they were all talking and laughing within thirty seconds of introducing themselves.
At the back of the room, were large glass doors that appeared to lead to the hot pools that the resort was famous for. The minute he ventured through these doors, he was hit with the smell of fresh air and chlorine.
Jack looked around at his surroundings, the sun setting behind the snow-covered mountains across the lake. He was standing on the biggest tiled patio he'd ever seen with a glass fence surrounding it. There were three pools of bright blue water on this patio. One was quite large, one smaller, and one only big enough to fit about four or five people.
He saw a board on the wall behind him showing the temperatures. The biggest pool was 100 degrees F, the middle at 108 degrees F, and the smallest one at a mere 55 degrees F. Jack shuddered thinking about what could possibly tempt anyone to sit in the coldest pool.
The sun had disappeared behind the mountains when Jack made his way around the pools to peer over the glass railing. Below the patio he was standing on, appeared to be one very large swimming pool which he'd assumed was for the kids who came to the resort and whoever else wanted to swim instead of soak.

Jack entered the hall through the glass doors again just in time to see Miss Holloway and Cindy coming down the staircase. The little girl wearing a pink ruffled dress, of course, and Marsha wearing a beautiful purple dress one that reached all the way to the floor.
Even from far away, Jack could see the concentration on her face as she made her way down the stairs, he smiled as he realized that she was trying as hard as she possibly could not to trip and fall. But she reached the bottom of the staircase successfully and, accompanied by Cindy, she walked over to where Jack was waiting for them.
He only needs to mention the dessert table and Cindy took off in search of treats, so Jack and Marsha talked for a while and got themselves something to drink.

To everyone's horror, Cindy found herself a whole army of little girls who caused trouble, ate way too many sweets, and danced in circles together in the middle of the dance floor. Dylan and Summer never stopped dancing, and even Tucker had met a girl who he'd finally worked up the courage to ask for a dance.
At that point in time, everyone around them seemed to be dancing, Jack and Marsha looked out of place for a moment. So Jack set down his glass before asking Marsha for a dance, and they too joined the rest of their team on the dance floor.
After a few songs, the whole team decided to take a look around outside when Jack told them of the beautiful view and the hot pools. The kids were fooling around, sticking their feet in the pools, splashing each other and such, while Marsha seemed captivated by the view.
The kids began taking turns trying to push Jack into the small, cold pool, unsuccessfully of course. They goofed around like that for a good 10 minutes, by the light of the moon, the patio lamps and the glow from the hot tubs.
When the roles were reversed, and it was now Jack's turn to try and push the kids into the cold pool, Marsha walked by, on her way back into the hall. But little did she know that she was nothing but an unsuspecting victim. Jack swiftly pretended to try and push her into the pool, he wasn't really serious, knowing that if he got her dress wet she'd come unglued. But she screamed anyway and reacted quickly, somehow spinning both of them around and, unintentionally, swinging Jack right into the pool.
As she at the edge of the pool, her eyes wide and jaw dropped in shock, the children began to laugh somewhat hysterically behind her. How she could accidentally accomplish something in a split second they'd been trying to do for a good fifteen minutes they'd never know.
Jack came barging out of the pool, basically soaked from the chest down, his eyes searched for the one who'd caused him all this trouble, and when they found her, he headed straight for her.
Marsha knew exactly what that meant, Jack hated to be made a fool of, and if he was soaking wet with freezing cold water, she soon would be too. She squealed and tried her best to run away but the mixture of her initial clumsiness, the slippery water on the tiles, and her high heels wasn't easy to run on and she soon slipped and felt herself falling.
Somehow, Jack had caught her, once more before she hit the ground, an action that was somewhat bittersweet. Marsha was thankful to be saved from a fall, but she was now pressed up against Jack, who was drenched with water, getting her own dress quite wet.
She struggled to get free, shrieking at the realization that her dress was wet, but Jack grinned evilly as he hugged her tighter, soaking her even more.
Everyone was laughing, the kids ran off towards the hotter pool to soak their feet once more, but Jack and Marsha continued to laugh. Neither of them knew exactly how what happened next unfolded, but Jack's arms found her waist, Marsha's hands inexplicably went to him shoulders, and they were getting lost in each other's eyes. Before he even knew he wanted to, Jack leaned in and closed the space between them. But their kiss was soon broken by a splash of water caused by the kids behind them who were taking part in yet another splashing war.
Jack and Marsha didn't speak about it, but they didn't act differently towards each other either. They just laughed and walked over to the kids, as if nothing had even happened. The are adults, after all, spontaneous kisses happen, it was no big deal. At least, that's what they told themselves.

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