The Counter-Revenge Plan, Staring Kiryu

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Kiryu woke up, it was another Kamurocho morning, tough to love sometimes but harder to abandon.

One thing which was always easy to love and enjoy was of course, breakfast. Anyone who would even think of being something along the lines of Tojo Chairman material should take care and pride in the most. maybe Kiryu was just behind the lines, but he would stick with it nonetheless, that is, if he had breakfast. To his dismay, as if he was trapped within some sort of cruel endless cycle of the same, cerealless day, Kiryu found his supplies of cereal barren.

Kiryu thought to himself, as hard as he could, about a mile an hour, it was impossible that he couldn't have eaten the entire box in just one day, it was a smaller box than he usually bought but there's no way that factored into it much, half the box? Yes that's a possibility but every single piece and even the dust? It just didn't add up, he hadn't needed to fight his way through the entire Tojo Clan HQ again recently, binge eating the entire box truly served him no purpose greater than if he was to savour it, ride it on for a few days and get true value for money.

Kiryu just couldn't figure out this mystery he was stuck with and ironically all this questioning only succeeded in making him hungrier. Biting the bullet, Kiryu sighed to himself and knew his only option left was to just go back to Poppo and purchase another box.

That was of course, until he got the text.

Kiryu was never the most ecstatic to see a new message from Nishida, he held no ill-will to the man himself, but when Nishida called or texted, it only ever meant one thing.


Of course this text was no different from the rest except something in it seemed... odd.

"Kiryu-san, The Boss is almost begging me to write this but he says that 'Ya gotta find me immediately because I got the one and only thing ya care about.' Please just hurry to him, you know where he lives, even I'm a little freaked out by how he is now."

The one and only thing he cared about? Kiryu cared about a lot of things, helping anyone he could out of a rough time, those plushes that were in the UFO catchers at Club SEGA and especially above all, his friends, or what was left of them but to value them that greatly above everything? Kiryu loved them sure, but there would be no way that Majima would ever go as far as to kidnap someone just for a chance to fight Kiryu, right?

Kiryu needed to know what Majima was up to, from what Nishida had said it sounded like Majima was waiting at the batting cages in the Hotel District, he did really love them, supposedly he even had a sign set up at them stating if he was in or out, although that's just a rumor. The trivia didn't matter at this time however, Kiryu had a quest now and sooner or latter he'd have to deal with it.

The route to the batting cages was exactly as one excepts, a jog through about half of the city with many random punks who really need to start learning some lessons about street fights and who to pick them with. All was normal until Kiryu reached the cages. Out in plain view of absolutely any and everyone sat a large dump truck, crudely squeezed into the area, surrounded by what were obviously Yakuza, all of them painting it pink. Kiryu had a moment of hesitation, wondering if Majima could even drive but shrugged them off because well, only Majima could do something so... Majima.

The inside of the cages felt like whiplash, contrasting the extremely noticeable and, slightly painful, truck was a dead and empty lobby. No one was around, not in the lobby chatting or partaking in any of the machines they had out. There wasn't any sounds of pitching or batting, which truly built an almost eerie vibe for the place. Kiryu knew that if Majima was to be hanging out in the batting cages, then it would be out in the main cages themselves and stepping out into them, he was right.

"Kazzy-chan, ya kept me waiting" Majima calmly spoke, his back to Kiryu. "It's regular commute, surely you know the feeling." Kiryu said to him, they were quite similar, surely Majima has handled his fair share of punks and other Yakuza, though he would likely derive a lot more pleasure from it, he seemed to live and breath combat at times. "Besides that, what were you talking about when you said you had the 'one and only thing' I cared about?", Majima turned around, the smuggest of grins consuming his face, "Oh? Ya mean THIS?" he loudly proclaimed before grabbing Kiryu's box of cereal and holding it in plain view of him.

Kiryu was dumbstruck for a moment until he finally managed to piece it together: "Santa" wears snakeskin, speaks with a Kansai accent and commits home invasion and theft. "Majima-san... you broke into my house just to steal my cereal?", "What else was I meant to do?! You've been spending too much time with it, time you should be spending with me! I had no choice.", "Majima that's beyond irrational and-" "Enough talk! I've put enough time and even money into this operation and you're not leaving here without giving me a good apology fight! Shirts off too, we're doin' this proper." Kiryu sighed to himself, he always knew that the encounter was going to devolve into this but knowing it never made it any better but at the same time he knew that there's no other way around it, especially in a situation like this.
Aside from everything, Kiryu had to admit, his constant sparring with Majima had really been helping him work back up to his former strength and a real bond had grown between them, they were only a little more than just acquaintances last they met a decade prior, but now they've grown close, not even as just a sparring partner but as a friend, a close friend. Not that it mattered in the moment anyway, Kiryu still swept the floor with Majima, somewhat literally in some regards.

"Ah that's the Kiryu-chan I know. Damn yeah you're getting good" Majima said, being knocked straight to the floor once last time, calling an end to the fight, satisfied and probably even ready for a smoke. "You're no pushover yourself, you give me no choice" Kiryu spoke with a half chuckle, redressing himself before grabbing his cereal, turning 180 and walking out of the batting cages, cereal and pride in hand, finally ready for the most important meal of the day.
Substory Complete: I just want some cereal

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2020 ⏰

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