The Revenge Plan, Starring Majima

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"Kiryu-Chan cares more about that bowl of cereal than me, at this rate it might actually replace me as his top priority!" Majima shuddered uncontrollably at the thought when he noticed a chef from the nearby restaurant had been staring him down the entire time.

Majima stared him down, in his rare "looking serious" face, slowly lifting up his knife, "Move along, this don't concern ya." The random chef quickly continued on his own tasks, acting like he saw nothing, he valued his life more than some couple's fight.

"Now, I need some sort of plan. Something to distract him from that cursed bowl and get him to treat me like he used to."

Inspired by events from the past, Majima sent out several members of The Ultimate Hyper Amazing Radicoolio Majima Family Construction (tm) to find out where Kiryu lived so Majima could commit legally questionable actions.

After a long, hard day of waiting for the results, Majima had the info he needed about Kiryu's living status, all that was left now was to choose a time to put the plan into action.
"Kiryu is ALWAYS out during the night, I got the injury record to prove it!" Majima said to himself while climbing through Kiryu's window.

Kiryu's living space wasn't half bad, a man could definitely live in it but Majima wasn't here to admire interior decor, he was here to steal cereal.
Conveniently Majima had entered through the kitchen window and on a kitchen worktop, there sit sat, the cereal of destiny

Majima looked at the box, it's delicious contents were taking his love from him, he had to do something, before it was too late.

On the first attempt, Majima was able to grab the unguarded cereal, however in the process, knocked an inconveniently placed spork onto the floor. Majima thought nothing of it initially, Kiryu wasn't in after all.

Or so he thought.

Majima stopped dead in his tracks when he heard the sound of a door opening before spinning 360 degrees on his heels to be greeted by the sight of a half-awake Kiryu in dragon pajamas.
Majima panicked and tried to think up an excuse, as much as he would of loved it, fighting Kiryu wasn't a part of this plan yet.

"Hey! Didn't anyone tell ya not to disturb Santa while he's workin!" Majima finally shouted out in a bad Santa impression, probably not the best lie but he was hoping Kiryu's half-awake state would disguise Majima's official Trash Goblin exterior.

"If you're Santa, then why are you here now, it isn't Christmas yet" Kiryu said in a way that only a barely conscious 6 foot dragon man like him could.
"It's simple! You've just been so good this year that I decided to arrive earlier. That's why I'm not wearing my suit either! Savin it for the big day, anyway here's yer present" Majima said, waving the cereal he tried to steal before placing it on the counter. "Now how about ya get back to sleep before I make sure to never visit here again!" Majima said hoping Kiryu would take the bait.

Not wanting to deal with whatever was happening and just wanting sleep for now, Kiryu took Santajima's advice and went back to the room he appeared from.

Majima took the opportunity, grabbed the cereal again and fled the scene

The Adventures Of Kazuma Kiryu, Cereal EnthusiastHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin