Chapter 26 - Stacey's Mom

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On with the coninuation...Enjoy. 



Jade POV

"Hey, sorry I am late guys, what have I missed?" Bridget asked, looking at me. 

I smile slowly, "Apparently the ability to cover hickies." 


Beth POV 

I watch as the blush starts to form on the uncovered part of Claire's neck, as she opens her mouth. "I have no idea what you are on about, Jade." 

"Oh come on, Claire, you know exactly what we were doing last night and yet look at us, not a bruise or bite in sight." I said, flashing Jade my cleavage again. 

Jade smirked at me and then looked to her mother, "Yeah, exact- Wait, my mother knew what we were doing last night?" Jade said, eyes narrowed at me, glaring. 

"Oh like I didn't know what was going to happen." Claire said, "Did you forget who you cried to when you were with Beck for the first time?" 

"Still, my girlfriend, talking about that, with my mother?" Jade asked slowly, then turned to Bridget. "Did you know too?" 

"How would I know?" Bridget nervously asked. I shook my head, amused on how I know this was going to go. 

"Oh I don't know," Jade started, "Maybe because you have been banging my mom for the past month, and you are constantly hanging around the house. Also, somehow you have gotten closer to my girlfriend, to the point she is texting you to send messages from me to my mother." 

I quirked an eyebrow up, "You read my phone, Jay?" She nodded and I just shrug, I have nothing to hide from her, so I don't mind. 

"Jade you are just being vulgar now," Claire whispered, harshly, "And we are in public, so will you keep your voice down." 

I saw Jade's shoulders sag a little, "I just want to know, why you didn't tell me, mama?" She said in a small voice. 

I watched as Bridget got up from her seat, I followed her lead and let Claire out, so she could sit next to her daughter. Me and Bridget sat close together, watching everything unfold, while eating the bread that was left on the table for us. 

Claire pulled Jade in to her chest, while place a hand on Jake's shoulder, "You kids mean the world to me, and I was the reason your lives got a little messed up in the first place. I didn't want to confuse you," She looked to Jake, "Or make you feel like I am taking anyone from you." She squeezed Jade tighter, who in turn, wrapped her arms around her mom's waist, head snuggling into her chest. "I know I should have told you, but I was a little scared, especially when Max found out." 

Jade's head sprung up, "You mean to say, Max knew all along, absolutely hated the idea and still didn't tell your secret?" 

Claire looked to Bridget, who gave the dark haired woman a smile, "I never thought of it like that." 

"You know she loves you mom, just doesn't like change." Jade said, snuggling back into her mom's chest. "So are you two dating?" 

"Yeah, baby, we are." Claire answered, "Are you okay with that?" 

Jade hugged her mom tighter, to the point where Claire gasped loudly, "Mom, as long as you're happy, I am happy." 

"So how do you cover the hickies?" Bridget whispered to me, while watching Claire joke around with her children.

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