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"Where my badge" Shiro asked himself as he patted his belt not feeling his badge he knew he clipped on to his belt just minutes ago as he walked towards work. 

"Where my phone" Shiro muttered to himself in true panic, he had it just in his pocket minutes ago and now it was gone. 

In a small café Known as Balmera, just opposite where Shiro stood patting himself down..

"Why does this guy have so many pictures of his cat" Red asked as he looked threw Shiro phone, Green sitting opposite him in the booth hacking into the super secret agency with her laptop.

"He loves his cat, rather funny since he clearly doesn't like any pussy" Green joked as she glanced over her laptop screen to her partner who went wide eye.

"Wait this hotie is gay ... is he single, can we make him single .. do you urr need me to keep an eye on him or break into his flat or something. I mean, I am the muscle and this guy clearly has muscle too so it makes sense me going not you"  Red whispered yelled in slight hope as his cheeks turned rosy while his partner watched in amusement.

"He single, his ex is currently dating his twin brother who we both seem to know. You might just be his type, he likes one with a good ass it seems and sadly we don't need to pay him a visit just yet not while I'm using his badge and phone" Green answered with a slight smirk, going back to her hacking without much care if they were in a public café. 

"Remind me to ware my good jeans if we ever meet him" Red whispered under his breath, he was rather proud of his good ass and would willingly show it off when a guy caught his eye and this shiro guy clearly was his type. 

"I think he would much rather see you without them" Green offered slight advice for her friend before jumping as a menu camp slapping the team.

"Oi, you two. You know the rules, none of that dirty talk during the day. I don't mind if you come in the evening before closing time and talk like perverts or the elderly who been to war but during the day when I'm more busy with the breakfast or lunch rush with families and youngsters coming .. no dirty talk" Hunk the owner of Balmera spoke with a mother like frown as she looked to her troubling children. Hunk Garret, a twenty seven year old man who was a great chief and yet opened a small family café baking cakes and mother like meals. He was married to Shay Balmeran well now Shay Garret. He was a big guy with a caring heart and nice dark skin. Longish straight black hair with an orange bandana tied around his forehead and caring light brown eyes. He had twin daughters called Sofia and Honey who were two years old. 

"Yeesh, sorry mother" Red grumbled back as he lifted his hands up in surrender. 

Hunk was a secret friend to Red and Green, he knew their true names but he didn't know their real jobs. He knew it wasn't something good and that all he knew. But he knew Red and Green were good people at heart, they weren't as evil as rumoured. He was friends with them since he was twenty two, Red would have been twenty one and Green would have been twenty. The two actually saved him from some bad men trying to get rid of him after he overheard something he wasn't meant too. The two saved him without cost, he knew their codenames after watching the news even if it didn't show the two face. It didn't take long for him to put who they were together and why most would run. He just treated them like friends and didn't mind them hanging in his café when they didn't have work, they always ordered a meal and milkshakes and never caused trouble within his café. He did worry for them making them nickname him their mother. 

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