Prison Break

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Deku dropped to his knees, facing him was the body of his dad...dead. He didn't understand, why did he deserve this? He never did anything nor did his's not fair. Deku rose up slowly shaking violently at the sight of his dead father before grasping both sides of his head and letting out a blood curdling roar that sends a chill down everyone's spine. "Y-you'll pay for w-what you've done, you won't leave here alive!" Deku screams before his hair changes to a gold color and his eyes to a greenish blue color. Deku slowly walks to the frost demon that stood above the dead body of his father, before taking one last look at the body he darts towards the frost demon landing a clean blow to his face knocking him into the wall behind him.

Deku leaves with the body of the frost demon limp on the floor before saying quietly to himself, "Why would a police officer attack my father? This makes no sense! He said this before hitting the wall.

(I don't own the art but this is what the police officers look like)

Deku runs through the halls of the Castle before coming across the kitchen where his mom would probably be, he sees her there and tells her to come with him now with her not understanding what's happening

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Deku runs through the halls of the Castle before coming across the kitchen where his mom would probably be, he sees her there and tells her to come with him now with her not understanding what's happening. Deku finally explains it all saying they have to go to earth because they probably won't find them there. He runs to the docks where a pod that's already been open and three others that are closed lay. He types in the coordinates to earth before hopping in the pod and heading towards earth.

At the age of 7, Deku and his mom lived on earth peacefully with no problems or issues at all and with Deku learning tons of new things about quirks and heroes. Deku hopped around before sending punches towards the air saying how he can't wait till he's older so he can be a hero as amazing as All Might. Deku was about to go to his room to watch an All Might video when the door of his house gets kicked down and several frost demons walk through. Deku's eyes narrow before he stands up with his fists tightened, "If you want to kill my mom then forget about it...I won't let something like that happen again!" Deku said before preparing to charge towards the left officer but his hands get bound up by something extremely tough.

(This is the thing that's keeping his hands bound)

Deku looks down at the thing on his hands and back up at the officer walking towards him, "Come with us you monster, you really thought someone with power as much as yours could stay alive?" The head officer said taking Deku by the hair and using ...

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Deku looks down at the thing on his hands and back up at the officer walking towards him, "Come with us you monster, you really thought someone with power as much as yours could stay alive?" The head officer said taking Deku by the hair and using instant transmission along with his allies. Inko screams for her son but he's already gone...

So I just wanna say that I really enjoyed making this chapter and I don't know much of what to say but uh new chapter when I'm not tired.

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