Father's feelings

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"Wait... you know about Retak'ka and the elementals all along?! Even before I know about him!?" shout Boboiboy surprised
"I got a report by one of the TAPOPS agents just the day before your mother told me that you got a power sphere. When I ask what kind of power you got, I got very surprised and I told my superior about it"

Boboiboy was surprised hearing the explanation and listen to him closely

"My superior commands me to take the power sphere and your powers along with it. At first, I told him to at least you try to have it for save keeping since you are my son which is privilege for you to have powers... but he said that it's a power from the most vicious villain in the galaxy that killed five best and powerful heroes"
"The original elemental users..." said Boboiboy who know about this heroes

"Yes... After hearing that, I force permission myself to go back to earth with your mother that day... to take it from you before it's too late. Even if I have to become a villain for you, But..."
"Your mother... She believes in you. The next day after our fight, she come and fought to the superior for making you keeping those powers and assure them that it's in the right hands"
"Mom... did that?"
"Yes... After convincing my superiors, your mother suggested transferring you to Pulau Rintis so you can get close with your power sphere and learn to control your powers. She believed in you because you manage to survive with holding those elementals without gone insane and evil"

Boboiboy was shock but then he remembered that he did tell his mother few days after he met Ochobot and his mother are very surprised by his words which cutting the phone immediately. That means she keeps it from Amato and every other agents to save him

"Mom always believe in my choices... and I assume you didn't believe in me huh..."
"I'm honest... yes, I don't believe in you having those powers because the fact it's the stolen powers from a villain which make me very anxious"
"I.. still don't get much of your words Laksamana"

Amato only sighs and put the cup away from his hands and fold his hands on the table

"Those powers are indeed powerful in wrong hands which can be used to destroy the whole universe. From what I got reported back then, Retak'ka stole all five elementals which make him the most powerful being in the universe and he become very greedy after using all six elementals together"
"Yeah I know that from Tok Kasa..."

"Most creatures who obtain a great power can make them insane and turn evil. I didn't believe in you because you were very young that time and the fact that... I don't know you as much as your mother did... After your outburst that night to me, I got anger and fear take over me which make me late to realize that I was wrong"

Boboiboy look at his notes because he was very confused by Amato's words

"Fear? by what?"
"By the fact you have those powers... I was angry because you are not listening to me that night and I fear that you have already developed those evil thoughts because you have those powers and that's why... I do that to you until I met those three elementals. I was unsure to believe them since I figured they are the source so I tried to suck Gempa but in the end, Taufan protect him from my shoot. After that, I know something is not right and moments later I was transported back to the station by your mother"

Boboiboy just look at Amato in surprised and shock by how Amato became like that because of fear of losing him due to having the elementals

"That's why ever since that fight... I can't face you properly, I was so ashamed at myself for making my anger and fear went through me and making me to do something that destroy our family relationship like this" said Amato while clenching his hands
"So... when I heard that you don't want to come to the earth day festival on Pulau Rintis means?"
"Yeah... I act like that because I'm too embarrassed of how I act back then and I can't get a good time to apologize properly so I lied for not wanting to go there"





"Well mom is already late at night here, I have to go early tomorrow for helping the festival"
"Eh but..."
"I'm fine mom... I can play with my friends"
"Okay then... I'm so sorry dear..."
"Um! byee"

Boboiboy's mother shut the phone and glare at Amato due to his behavior

"Why would you said that to him?! He's only-"

She paused her outburst due to looking at sad Amato while repairing some power spheres. Now she understands why he said something like that

"Still angry at yourself huh?"
"You are indeed a stupid agent"
"Thank you for the remark" said Amato sarcastic

"No, it's not a bluff. Why can you just apologize to him dear? It's been months since that day. I'm sure he will accept it"
"You said it easy since you help him... In his eyes, I'm a villain and it will never be possible to heal that thought"
"So you're going to give up? Superior Mechamato?"

Amato just pause himself for seconds until he continue doing his work with the power sphere

"I'm sure he will forgot about this in few years... right?" thought Amato while working

Back to reality




Boboiboy now understand everything. All this time he thought his father never going to believe on him by having the elementals to become a superhero but actually he did but he can't say it properly

"After that, you don't know how shock I am when I heard from Aba that you got recruited to TAPOPS"
"Yes of course but Commander Koko Ci doesn't know at first about you being my son. He found out when you are in the Volcano island for TAPOPS test"
"Ahhh he saw my hair right?"
"Yes, that really gives it away. Laksamana Tarung also contact me asking it"

Boboiboy then smile because he was glad that his father actually knows about him after all

"You really do care huh" said Boboiboy in low voice
"What was that?"
"Eh nothing nothing"

Suddenly the cafeteria door open wide by someone

"What a father and son relationship is this" said person on the door

Boboiboy and Amato face toward the door which make Boboiboy stands up from his seat. It was his mother wearing a white suit

"Mom!" shout Boboiboy while running towards her
"Boboiboy! ahh I miss you" said his mother while hugging him
"I miss you too mom!"

Amato walk toward her which to get an ugly yet terrifying glare from her

"Excuse me Boboiboy... HAVE YOU GONE INSANE! YOU CAN GET YOURSELF AND BOBOIBOY KILLED!" said his mother to Amato in slight anger

Boboiboy's mother lecture Amato like no tomorrow which Boboiboy can't help to laugh at this moment. He never felt a great family comfort like this in the past which make him very happy

"Well at least you got him back safely, you have no idea how shock I was hearing about Boboiboy comes to earth from Aba and suddenly news about him got kidnapped by Rocka from Maskmana!"
"Eh Tok Aba told you about me?!" said Boboiboy surprised
"Yes young man.. and you are in so much trouble for making Aba worried"
"And you too dear, you are also in trouble for making Boboiboy like this from the start"
"DO WE HAVE TO TALK ABOUT THIS AGAIN?!" shout Amato groaning

They didn't realize that there are people watching the family little fight

"Can I comment about this family being crazy?" said Fang near his friends and Maskmana
"Don't even bother... no matter how crazy Amato is... his wife is even worse and powerful on this kind of cases" said Maskmana while shacking his head
"Hihihi but at least they're happy right" said Ying giggle
"Yeah, Boboiboy said himself that he rarely meet his parents so might as well give him a proper family time now" said Yaya smiling
"Hahaha I don't mind getting hit by Boboiboy's mother rather than my dad" said Gopal
"Aih Gopal" said Ochobot while shacking his head





I'm sorry guys but I actually still in my hiatus period so my update time will be very random:(

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