Untrustworthy (KenHina)

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I didn't crop the username so go check them out on TikTok ^ also the "they" in this scenario is Karasuno

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I didn't crop the username so go check them out on TikTok ^ also the "they" in this scenario is Karasuno. Note: Kuroo and Hinata seem really affectionate to each other, but that's how my best friends and I treat each other- this isn't KuroHina or KuroKenHina.

Shoyo walked into the gym happier than usual.

He was immediately met by the judging glares of most of the team. "Hey guys!" He chirped, totally oblivious to the looks they were giving him. He walked over to the bench to set his bag down and stood up to see the team glaring holes through his head.

"Um... hi?"

"Did he get dressed in the dark or something?" Tsukishima snickered to Yamaguchi. The smaller just frowned and looked at Shoyo unsure.

Well, that kind of hurt. He looked down and was confused by Tsukishima's statement. He was just wearing a white T-shirt with black shorts. Literally the exact same thing Tsukishima was wearing.

"Hey, where's Kageyama?" He asked, trying to break the tension in the room. He had realized his boyfriend wasn't there yet. "Like you'd want to know." Tanaka scoffed. Shoyo looked at the second year confused.

"Yeah, that's why I asked," he responded.

"W-why are you all looking at me like that?"

"You know why." Daichi said.

"No, I don't! What happened?" He asked, starting to fidget under the pressure.

"You cheated on the King is what you did." Tsukishima informed him, uninterested.

"What!? I would never cheat on Kageyama!"

"Say that to his Instagram." Shoyo frantically pulled out his phone and checked Kageyama's Instagram profile. All the selfies of their time together as a couple had been deleted and instead there was a picture of Kageyama and Oikawa. The description read:

Shoyo and I are no longer a couple. I found him cheating on me with some random girl, kissing her as if I wouldn't find out. But now I've found someone who actually appreciates me.

Shoyo started tearing up. Was this Kageyama's way of breaking up with him? He could have let him down gently.

His heart hurt as tears started flowing from his eyes. He never kissed another person!

"This has to be photoshopped! I didn't kiss anyone!" Shoyo yelled, his voice cracking and echoing around the gym.

Just then he got a message from his boyfriend. We're breaking up. Sorry.

"Hinata, on this team we don't cheat. Nor do we lie to our teammates. It interferes with the bond we should have to actually play the sport. We're going to have to kick you off." Daichi said. Shoyo stared at him in disbelief. Suga placed a hand on Daichi's shoulder.

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