KamiMina (My Hero Academia)

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Kaminari took a deep breath. Okay, he thought to himself. You've got this.

He saw her walking towards him and immediately started freaking out. No you don't!

He started to walk away when she called out to him. "Hey, Kami! Are you the one that put the note in my backpack?" She asked, her pink hair bouncing with every step. Kaminari chuckled nervously. "Yeah, I am..." he said quietly, which was very out of character for him. "Are you okay?" She asked, her yellow eyes filled with concern. 

"Actually I wanted to ask you something," he said, his face burning and his gaze focused on the floor. "Well, shoot." She said, placing a hand on her hip and tilting her head. Kaminari took a deep breath. "IreallylikeyouandIknowyouprobablydon'tlikemebackandthat'stotallyoka-" He got cut off when she stepped forward, using her pink hand to lift up Kaminari's head.

"Kami, you idiot. I've been trying to drop hints all week!" She let out, laughing. "You- you have!?" 

"Well, duh. Who do you think would leave a pink sticky note on your desk with a cheesy pick-up line on it?" she asked. Kaminari thought for a minute and shrugged. "I don't know." He was obviously preoccupied with a thought.

"Earth to Kami." 

"Can I kiss you?" (consent is key children)

She looked taken aback. "U-uh, sure."

Kaminari leaned forward and slowly connected his and Mina's lips, wrapping his arms around her waist. 

----- Da next day -----

Mina and Kaminari were laughing their asses off in the lunch line the next day. They were listening to a conversation going on between Todoroki, Midoriya, and Bakugo. 

"Why the hell do you have fifty bucks, Icy-Hot?"


"T-todoroki, lunch is fifty cents, not fifty dollars," Midoriya said in a shaky voice. Ah, the gay panic.

Todoroki just shrugged, pulling a dollar bill out of his pocket and handing it to the lunch lady, telling her to keep the change. 

After Mina and Kaminari's laughing fit, they headed to a lunch table. "So are we boyfriend and girlfriend now?" Kaminari asked, scrunching up his nose as if it itched.

"If you want to be!" Mina replied happily. All of a sudden Kaminari's eyes widened and he stood up. "Everyone get out! I gotta sneeze!" he yelled. (He didn't leave the room himself because of ✨plot convenience✨)

Most people made it out, except for one. The grape head across the room. Kaminari sneezed and a jolt of electricity shot out of him, bouncing around the room until it hit the pervert, shocking him and making him pass out. "Okay," he called. "You can come back in now!" 

When everyone got back inside, Kaminari laid his head down on the table in embarrassment while Mina laughed at him. "Oh my God Kami, you electrocuted Mineta!" She cackled.

"I didn't mean to!"

"I love you you freaking idiot," she said, sighing after she was done with her laughing fit. Kaminari's face broke out into a smile. "I love you too, Alien Queen."

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