Part 13 - Pranks and Proper Paybacks ★

Start from the beginning

"Just some pranks," you explained. "I don't know who or why, but it's getting fairly ridiculous."

"Could someone"-Ben puffed-"stop this thing? It's trying to escape."

Tom pointed his wand directly at the quill and rolled his wrist. It lit up for a fraction of a second and crumbled to dust right after.

"Ouch," Ben yelped and fanned his hand through the air hastily before putting his index inside his mouth. "Thanks, mate."

Tom smirked complacently, partly for the spell he had just cast and partly for burning Ben's fingertip. "Anytime, mate."

Camille dragged her finger through the ashes, took a good look at them and rubbed it off between her index and her thumb. "Who would do that?"

"I don't know," you answered.

"Avery and Lestrange again, perhaps?"

"Unlikely," Tom said. "I checked on them some days ago. They're still with Carpe most of the time, scrubbing the floors and polishing trophies. And besides, they wouldn't dare."

"Who else could it be then?" Camille asked as she blew the remaining ashes off the desk with a quick cleaning spell.

The four of you exchanged looks around the table. "To be honest," Tom began. "I was suspecting you for a while, Ben."

"Me?" Ben asked wide-eyed. "Why would I do that? I just stopped that quill."

"'I'm aware, I've seen that now."

Camille hummed, deep in thought. "Wait," she said. "What about Freda? Freda Morris."

"The head girl?" Ben asked.

"Yes," she said. "She was so jealous at Slughorn's party, wasn't she?"

Tom looked at you, biting on the inside of his lower lip, then nodded. "That doesn't sound too far fetched."

"I wouldn't have thought she'd be so creative," you said while picking up your books. "Well, I'll keep an eye on her then."

Once you had gathered your things, you got up and waited for Tom to do the same.

"Where are you going?" Camille asked. "It's not even seven yet."

"I have to," you stopped yourself. You had to tend to the potion in the Come and Go Room again. Needless to say, you couldn't tell them that. "I have to go and look after Nagini. The snake. She's shedding at the moment. Talk to you soon."

"Let us know if something else happens," Camille said and waved you goodbye.

Tom followed you silently. Of course, they didn't ask him why he had to come and check on Nagini as well. The perks of being intimidating. Apart from this, Camille and Ben surely didn't mind studying without him nagging all the time.

On your way out, right when you left the library and headed toward the grand staircase, Tom and you were halted by another student. Platinum blonde and blue-eyed, Abraxas Malfoy, who was one of Tom's ever so devious sycophants, locked eyes with him.

"Tom," he greeted and stopped right in his tracks.

"Abraxas," Tom replied.

Oh, what did he want now? There wasn't a lot of time until the potion had to be stirred, so hopefully Malfoy wouldn't keep you from going any longer.

"So," Abraxas began. "I've seen, you like to keep new company these days."

Tom frowned and looked over his shoulder. Clearly, Abraxas didn't mean you. "What are you implying?"

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