"Who knows,"

"Stop saying that or I'll slap you!" I yelled outta frustration. Luke keeps watching me, but his lips remain sealed. I sighed at him, but ground my decision. My hand was still in the air, kinda shaky but ready to slap him in any second.

"I just... I just wanna know so please, I'm begging you, tell me," This time, it was Luke turns to sighed. He grabbed my hand softly before a smile slowly grew on his face.

"I like you,"

"Uh?" What. The. Fuck!?

"Haven't you realised that? Even though you're a tad bit too slow, I wouldn't want to be with anyone else. I always was too shy to say this out loud, but I've liked you for as long as I could remember,"

"Re- really?" He smiled at me and I could feel the tears slowly hitting my cheeks. Is this for real? This can't be real, can it?

"H- hey, why are you crying?"

"Sorry, it's just... I didn't- I didn't think you would say that. I- I just, this feels so surreal,"

"O- oh... I'm sorry for teasing you for so long,"

"It-it's fine," I said, before hiding my face in my palm. The tears run down my cheeks freely and my chest felt the lightest it has ever been.

"Before I forget, I want to be with you during Xmas even and Xmas, is that okay?"

"What are we gonna do?"

"My plan? It's my first ever Xmas with a boyfriend and though I know it sounds boring and cliché, I just thought it would be cool to experience it,"

"If that's what you want, as long as you're there, I bet it's gonna be fun"

"For real?"

"Anyway, for how long do I have to act like this?" Luke asked and the once there warm smile suddenly gone.


"You're really that dumb, aren't you? You're too fast to trust someone. You still don't understand me even after these long. I've never said sweet things to you before, why do you believe me? You should've known that by now, How do you even cope with life if you're this dumb? I'm sure you'll get-" Next thing I know, my palm reached his cheeks followed by an echoing sound. I watched him with full rage, not even shaking with regret at his widened eyes and shocked face.

"I'm leaving. Go die and rot in hell, I hate you and I meant it!"

I gathered my things as fast as possible before running outta the room. I made sure to slam the door extremely harsh, not giving a single fuck about its well-being. I ran down the long flight of stairs, ignoring the clearly working elevator as the tears keep pouring down from my eyes.

How could he?
How could someone be that much of a prick? A heartless and selfish asshole, a true arrogant jerk, how could it possible?

I ran all the way to the station, ignoring the worry glance that people threw at me. I got into the train, trying my best to hold back my sob that slowly starts to escape my lips.

What did I do until I deserve this?

Surely it wasn't just because I was a liar, right?

It wasn't even that big kind of a lie, why do I have to suffer this?

"Are you- are you okay?" A lady asked as she put her hand on my shoulder. I tilted my head up slowly and forced a smile to my face when seeing Anne.

"Ye- yeah, I'm fine."

"Why are you crying? Where's Luke? I thought you were with him,"

"Something happened, but I- I'll be fine. Thanks, Anne."

"Awe, dear, I'm sorry for you. Come here, love" She opened her arms for me and I hesitantly place myself in her embrace.

"When the time comes, things gonna be much better. It's all gonna be okay and though I know you feel like it won't right now, it will. It's fine to cry and feel frustrated, just let it all out, you'll feel better after,"

"R- right, th- thanks, Anne"

"No biggie, darling."

I didn't tell Anne what happened, but she keeps reassuring me that it'll gonna be okay eventually and that I remind her of her son. We parted ways when we reached our stops, she goes left while I go right. I hugged her one more time, telling her how grateful I was to meet her there.

Though she reminded me of that asshole, I'm grateful for her existence.

I grabbed an Uber to drive me home, not in the mood to feel another worry glances from people. I paid the driver once I arrived, giving him a small tip since that's the only money that I have with me.

I swung the door opened, ignoring my mum's greeting and worry glance as I stormed right into my room upstairs. I slammed the door shut and slid down on it before breaking down completely.

I'm done.

I'm so fucking done.

I'm tired of playing his game, but I can't help the feeling I have for him.

It's still there even though he had hurt me more than once, even after the event this evening, it's still there and I hate myself for that.

I don't want to love him. Hell, I don't even want to like him in the first place. But- but I can't help it! I'm just that weak and dumb and slow and- and... Oh my god, why am I like this?

But now I knew.

He didn't understand me. He never tried to understand me, hence why it was so easy for him to lied like that to me, to play that fucking act like it won't stab me right in the heart.

I just want to be loved and to be in love, it wasn't that much to ask, was it?

+ ======== [🧡] ======== +
Don't hate me okay??
Trust me on this,
You'll love it later on

See yaaa
+ ======== [🧡] ======== +

For the Sake of Love ✔Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя