...First Meeting...

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*The Hunter Exam*
*(Y/N) Pov.*

I was led inside a building by some very casual looking people. Which made me not trust them. Although from there, they took me to a room full of people that were also here for the Hunters Exam.

I observed my surroundings and a really tall guy with a suit had caught my eye. He was complaining about something and was spitting juice out. Next to him was a familiar boy with long blond hair. Something about him was just familiar to me. The way he dressed mostly. While I analyzed him from a far, I noticed that he was quite..attractive.

Maybe I seen him around town or something.

Anyways I should stay focused. Who knows what's gonna happen in this test.

Later some random chubby guy came up to me and offered me the same juice he had offered to other people.

I wasn't much of a talker honastly. Mainly cause I felt I couldn't trust anyone. So I stayed silent and ignored the chubby guy.

Chubby Guy: "Hey, names Tonpa! You look new around here, how bout some juice?"

I looked at Tonpa and looked elsewhere.

Chubby Tonpa: "Ahh not much of a talker I see. Ok ok."

I continued to look in a different direction, afraid to make eye contact.


I felt his bloodlust but didn't care and walked off. He looked at me with a puzzled face and went on with his day. Looks like I'm on his bad list.

*Time skip: After the Hunter Exam"
*Your Pov.*
(OK since everybody wants a Hunter Exam part, I will make another Bonus chapter!!!)

I walked alone looking at my new Hunter's license. After proudly analyzing it I looked up and saw the familiar blond haired boy sitting on a bench.
Just like I did with Tonpa, I kinda just ignored him. I walked past him but to my surprise. He called out to me.

???: "Hey, you there with the (F/C) shirt."

I turned and looked at him with a blank stared. While he intensely looked at me. As if he's been meaning to talk to me.

???: "What's your name"

He questioned.
I looked at him kinda puzzled. He made eye contact with me and he motioned for me to talk. Should I trust him?

???: "Are you gonna talk or not? Don't worry I won't harm you or anything."

I paused before I spoke.

Y/N: "(Y/N)"

I said with an intimidating look.
He widened his eyes a bit, as if unsure of my answer. Then he stood up.

???: "Are you part of a clan..?"
Y/N: "That's really none of your business"
???: "Fine then I'll make it my business"
Y/N:"You haven't told me your name"

I said quickly. Our tones in voice were both intimidating.

???: "Kurapika"

My eyes widen when I heard his familiar name. I knew why he was so familiar, and why he decided to talk to me. Kurapika is the name of my childhood best friend.

My tone of voice quickly softened a bit.

Y/N: "K-kurta Clan?"

I took a step forward to him.
He nodded with a soft smile. He opened his arms and gestured for me to hug him and I zoomed into his arms almost knocking him over.

Y/N: "Kurapika I thought I lost you! "

I cried.

Kurapika: "(Y/N)"

He whispered. He put his hand on my head and stroked my hair while I buried myself into his neck.

During our long hug we heard people yelling Kurapika's name. In curiosity, we departed from the hug and he turned to them.

???: "Oh Kurapika who's this?"

A small boy questioned.

???: "Ya are we interupting something"

The tall guy said.

Kurapika: "No no, this is Y/N. We knew each other when we were young.

He said with a smile on his face.

Kurapika: "Oh by the way, Y/N this is Leorio and Gon"

He introduced.
I gave them a small rare smile, and waved at these new people.

Kurapika: "If its ok I'm gonna go catch up with (Y/N)"
Leorio: "Oh ok do you guys wanna go to a diner and you guys can just sit in a different table"
Gon: "That sounds fun"
Leorio: Ya plus I'm starving.

Kurapika looked at me for reassurance and I nodded yes.

Kurapika: "Alright looks like we're going"

*Time skip*
*Leorio's Pov*

I examined (Y/N) amd Kurapika to get any sort of details.

Leorio: "Hey Gon, you think they're interested in each other?"

Gon: "What? Why?"

Leorio: "No reason just curious"

Gon: "Hmm well the way they're talking, I think they're just friends who's gone through a lot in the past"

Leorio: "I mean ya but Kurapika's our friend too. Just in case if Kurapika is interested in this person. I gotta make sure that they're the one."

Gon: "I guess you have a point. At first when we saw them hugging you can see in Kurapika's eyes that he loves them. But in what way..?"

Leorio: "True True"

*Time Skip*
*(Y/N) POV*

It felt so unreal being able to sit here with my best friend after so many years. We ordered drinks and just talked to pass the time.

Kurapika: "So (Y/N) how have you been during the years?"
Y/N: "Oh I've been doing good. How about you?"
Kurapika: "Good. I've been training a lot lately and gotten quite strong"
Y/N: "Really now? Same here. That's pretty much what I've been up too."
Kurapika: "Really you've been doin something else other than being cute?"
Y/N: "W-what?"

I blushed
He softly chuckled.

Y/N: "Hey I mean how about you? You're an attractive guy and you know it too"

I teased which made him roll his eyes a bit and quickly started teasing back.

Kurapika: "Let's face it. You know that you're cute"
Y/N: "Shoosh"
Kurapika: "What I'm just telling the truth"
Y/N: "Oh my gosh stop"

I hid my face in embarrassment.

Kurapika: "Hey remember the nicknames we gave each other?"
Y/N: "Hmm.. oh ya I remember. Yours was peach."
Kurapika: "And I gave you the nickname Angel"
Y/N: "Why did we give nicknames?"

I chuckled.

Kurapika: "It was our code names or something."
Y/N: "Ok then peach"

Leorio came to us and told us that he and Gon were leaving and if we wanted to go as well. We accepted, paid for the drinks and left.

1091 words~

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