The Bucket List Begins

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Me and Johnnie got back to the hotel where Bryan and Jess sat on the beds playing COD.

"So, how'd everything go?" Jess paused the game.

I felt tears building up, I ran to the bathroom and locked the door.

"Rox, is everything ok?" She knocked on the door after a few minutes.

I stood up and opened the door slowly. I shook my head no.

"What's going on guys?" Bryan asked. We all sat down on the bed as I began the story.

"The doctor gave us a brief description of what the hell is going on. The brain tumor is growing rapidly and there is no way to stop its growth. I am basically gonna die in about a month." I held back my tears.

"You don't seem fazed by this Roxy." Bryan said.

"I am but I always knew that at one point I'd have to die. I mean, we all do at one point in time. Just some people's time is closer than others." I looked down at my bracelets. That covered once the healed cuts.

"Well that was deep." Johnnie hugged me from behind, causing me to giggle.

"I'm just so confused why this had to happen to me?" I put my head in my hands.

"Everything happens for a reason, remember that." Bryan said.

"Yeah, I know." I said.

"So what are we gonna do now? We can't go back to California." Jess said.

"Not necessarily. The doctor said I can go." I smiled a bit. They all cheered and began packing up our bags.

"Ya know what we should do for you Roxy?" Johnnie asked.

"What?" I answered.

"Make a bucket list. Ha know, a list of things you wanna do before you die." He explained.

"I know what a bucket list is Johnnie. And sure, that sound fun." I said.

"Ok, so where should we start?" He asked.

"Well let's start with going back to California." He laughed.

"Well how about we actually make the list." Jess handed me a notepad and a pencil.

It took me a few minutes but finally I finished the list. There were only a few things on it but they were important.

"Let me see it." Johnnie took the pad out of my grip and began to read it with Jess and Bryan.

"That's all you want to do?" He asked and looked up to me.

"I couldn't think of anything else." I said.

"We'll start this as soon as we get back to California." Bryan said I nodded and we all headed off to bed after a long day.


This is just a short filler chapter!

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