Chapter 1

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Okay guys. I have been thinking about this for a while now and I think I finally am ready to put the story together. So the summary is say something happened that traumatized June while Day was gone. (Don’t want to tell you what it was because I don’t want to give away spoilers to my story.) So Tess thinks bringing Day back might help. He might and he might not. But he doesn’t remember. So how could he help is all June is thinking while still trying to cope with what happen and catch the bad guys that traumatized her after they resurface. Okay so here it goes.


It’s dark. Everything is dark. I look around and then I see flames. I know where I am. No! No! I see a little boy standing in the middle of it.

“Get out of here!” I yell. “Go find safety! Hurry!” Then part of building falls in between us. He still just stares at me.

“Go!” I yell one more time.

Then I blink and he’s gone.

I jolt awake to my alarm clock. I am sweating and taking deep breathes. It was just a dream. I remind myself. It’s been just a dream for years now. I turn the alarm off and get ready for work. I plan to meet Tess later on. It’s my twenty-seventh birthday.

After my shower I go to the kitchen and start coffee. I look on the refrigerator and held up by two magnets is a little finger painting. I stare at it and smile as I hold back tears.

It was just a dream. I remind myself again. I sip my coffee as the phone goes off.

I sigh. Who now? I wonder.

I answer the phone. “Hello?”

“June! Did I wake you? I hope not. I’m pretty sure your alarm goes off at six thirty and that’s when you get up.” I hear Tess on the other end.

“Tess. It’s okay. You didn’t wake me up.” I take a sip of my coffee and wait for her answer.

“Okay. So dinner is going to be around six tonight. I wanted to make sure you know.”

“Nothing big, right? Just a simple dinner with a few of us, right?”

“Of course. A few people over for dinner. That’s it.”

“Okay. I’ll be there at six.”

“Okay. See you then.” Then she hangs up.

I finish my cup of coffee as I watch the city wake up from my balcony. I finally go inside and put on my shoes and head out the door. I decide to take the train.

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