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"What in the actual FUCK Harry?" Screamed Hermione.

Another student in the library shushed them, and Hermione guiltily lowered her head, before remembering what Harry had just told her and letting her head shoot up again.

"I-Don't make me repeat it 'Mione," groaned Harry, burying his head in his hands.

Hermione scowled and whispered harshly, "I'm sorry Harry, it's not like you told me you were dating a ceiling or anything! For god's sake. And when do you plan on telling Ron?"

"Hermione! You know I can't tell Ron," Harry hesitated, "And anyways, that's besides the point. I need advice."

"I honestly don't know what to tell you, but I suppose if this ceiling was a person I would tell you that the relationship was kind of toxic. You're not completely blameless- comparing him to another... Umm... Ceiling wasn't very cash-money of you, but he definitely overreacted. I say that you guys try and communicate a bit better. Maybe set up a date or whatever you do."

"That's... Actually helpful Hermione! Thank you for not being so weird about it. And thanks in advance for telling absolutely no one."

With that, Harry jumped from the table and speed-walked out of the library. This left Hermione staring at the table in shock, completely flabbergasted by the events that just occurred. As she processed it, she knew exactly what she needed to do: tell Madam Pomfrey, and get him some psychiatric help. It was probably from all of the trauma.

He's gone batshit, she thought as she scooped up her books and rushed out of the library. Absolutely batshit. 

Meanwhile, Ron lay on a table in an empty classroom, lightly caressing it's surface.

"I love you, my dear," he said.

" I love you, too," the table replied.


(A/N) Hey guys!! Omg it's been a while, but I keep getting notifs for this story so I figured I might as well continue it!! Expect more updates coming soon 🥴😛

And what about Harry's date-thing? Is Hermione in the right? And What the Fuck is Ron up to??
Find out next chapter on: Pottling- Harry Potter x Ceiling

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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