Asking her out

57 5 0

Feburary 14th

(Ra) you arrived before haruhi would be

(K) I asked the twins to stay with haruhi for a little longer so we could set up this valentine's day surprise

(Ra) I'm excited I already set up the flower placements

(K) I have gifts in the car for her she was picked as my secret valentine and I was hers

(Ra) that's so sweet

(K) *grabs bags from car* here we go

(Ra) anything needed to be placed in certain areas of this house?

(K) grab the valentines groceries from my car

(Ra) ok did you park somewhere haruhi wouldn't know

(K) yeah

(Ra) *runs to kyoya's car*

(K) *sets gift bags on bed*

(Ra) *places treats on counter*

(K) *tosses rose pettles on gifts*

(Ra) she's going to love this

(K) yeah I can't wait to do all of this

(Ra) I hear her car pulling up

(H) *walks inside* what the? Dad? You home?

(Ra) of course I am now follow the rose pettle trail

(H) it leads to my bedroom *follows trail*

(Ra) yes it does

(H) did you get me all this?

(Ra) no now follow the trail out of your room

(H) the kitchen valentine's treats

(Ra) indeed

(H) this one leads to the guest bedroom

(Ra) yes

(H) *opens door* kyoya

(K) hey haruhi

(H) did you do all of this?

(K) with your fathers help

(H) I love it

(K) *hands haruhi bouquet of roses*

(H) these are wonderful kyoya

(K) I know it's the day of romance and love but I want to admit this haruhi I love you, you have been a wonderful friend in my life and I'd love for you to be more than a friend so I'd like to ask will you be my girlfriend?

(H) yes I will *hugs kyoya*

(K) *hugs haruhi* I'm happy to have you

(H) me to

(Ra) aw this is so cute I'm happy that you found love haruhi

(H) thank you dad for all of this help you did with kyoya for this wonderful valentine's day

(Ra) anything for my little girl

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