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11 Years Ago

Soft warm hands cupped yours. You watched as your mother fully enclosed your gloved hands with her own. Your eyes stared into your hers as she knelt before you, rubbing her hands back and forth along yours and exhaling her warm breath with a chuckle. Her breath came out in a foggy cloud. You mimicked her, only to barely be able to see down past your nose and chubby cheeks.

"Your hands are so cold, Y/n..." Your mom laughed, but there was a hint of concern. You weren't that young not to notice emotions, even ones masked by a fake persona. That was one of the talents you had. You could always tell when someone deep down inside was feeling pain. Your mom was always going through a lot of stress raising you on her own.

The two of you were at a small park in the neighborhood on a cold afternoon after you had insisted on going, no matter what the temperature was. It was your favorite park. It was always empty with enough room for you to freely run around without having to wait your turn for kids on structures. You were also somewhat shy, so the less other kids around, the better it felt for you.

"I'm fine, Mommy. Watch this!" You slipped out of her soft grasp and ran off across the pool of wood chips in the park, almost tripping. 

"Be careful, Y/n!"

"Don't worry, Mommy, I will!" You exclaimed with the intention of showing off your monkey bar skills. Instead, when you turned the corner, you collided into a small figure about the same size as you were. 

You tumbled back, a little confused as to how come another kid was there at this small park with you, even after it being so unpopular. But brushing that thought aside, you immediately were more concerned about the person you suddenly ran into, "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" 

You regained your composure, a little dizzy from the collision, and rushed towards the boy who had fallen back. He was rubbing his forehead under duel colored hair. It immediately made you blush at the sight of it. You had never seen such beautiful hair and... he looked up at and you almost let out a gasp. A pair of sparkling heterochromia eyes. One tortoise blue and the other a dull grey. You felt almost embarrassed to be in his line of vision. He was so gorgeous. 

"A-Are you okay?" You brushed off your fluster and ignored the butterflies in your stomach. With a new built up a confidence, you reached out your hand. 

"Yeah..." the boy said, hesitating to reach out his hand. You felt a little ashamed if you had accidentally made him uncomfortable. 

When the two of you touched hands, you almost wanted to recoil at the cold fingertips he brushed your had with. You could feel it through your own gloves and even his as well. 

You pulled him to his feet and gave a small bow, because that's what your mom had taught you when meeting someone, "I'm Y/n. I was kind of surprised to run into you, " you let out an awkward small laugh, "no one else really comes to this park."

The boy titled his eyebrows, and sort of smiled, but his face seemed to always be laced with concern, "This is my first time."

"At the park?"


You titled your head. The first time at the park? Any park? Or just this one in general? At his age, you were hoping he only meant this park. You couldn't imagine never going to a park up until now. 

"Well... Want me to show you around?" You had a new built up curiosity in this boy, now. Although you didn't normally try to make friends, this boy seemed like someone you liked and you wanted to know more about him. 

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