Chapter 12: Housewarming Party

Start from the beginning

Now all that was left were Kiki and Yu Yan. Yu Yan was sat up against the couch while Kiki had her head in Yu Yan's lap. Y/N took out her phone and snapped a picture. QYJ moment, you know what I mean? She then picked up Kiki supporting her with one arm and took her into her room. She gently plopped the girl onto the bed and covered her with the blanket. Y/N then realized that she didn't give the other 7 girls any blankets. ' They might get cold later.' She searched in her closet for some more blankets and laid them on the girls. She then tried to lift up Yu Yan, but the poor girl was still tipsy and fell over landing on Yu Yan.

Y/N's eyes widened. She carefully looked up to make sure she didn't wake up the lion girl. To her dismay, Yu Yan was staring down at her. "What are you doing?" she asked in her monotone voice.

"Uhhh, I was trying to get you into bed?" the young girl rubbed the back of her neck trying to make it sound as normal as possible. Yu Yan looked around and saw that everyone was fast asleep. She nodded and grabbed the girl's hand.

"I need help," she looked up at the girl.   Y/N nodded and helped the taller girl up. They walked to Y/N's room hand in hand. Yu Yan was surprised that Kiki was already in bed.

"You can sleep with Kiki and I'll sleep on the floor," Y/N said while laying blankets on the floor.

"That'll be uncomfortable, just sleep in the bed with us, " Yu Yan said while sitting on the end of the bed.

"No, it's okay," Y/N said while walking to the bathroom. "I'm gonna wash up," she said and closed the door. As Y/N was about to undress, she heard the bathroom door creak open. 'Shit—did I forget to lock the door?' she thought. She quickly turned around and was met with Yu Yan's gaze. Her gaze was different. It gave chills down Y/N spine. "Yu Yan? Do you need anything?" She asked nervously. Yu Yan entered the bathroom and locked the door behind her. She pushed the younger girl up against the counter. "Yan? Wh-what are you doing?" the younger girl stuttered.

"Shhh," Yu Yan pressed her finger onto  Y/N's lips. Her finger traced the younger girl's bottom lip down to her neck.

I froze. 'What is she doing? She knows that' — my thoughts were cut off when she pressed her lips on mine. My eyes widened. I could taste the bitterness from the alcohol earlier. "Yan, you're drunk,"  I pushed her back.

"No, I'm not," she interlocked her hands around my neck. She leaned into my ear. "I'm perfectly sober." Her breath hit my ear causing shivers down my spine. I am not okay o.o. She looked me in the eye biting her lip. Yu Yan don't look at me like that. 'Self-control, Y/N, self-control,' I tried to repeat. I'm really trying to contain myself right now but the way she's looking at me...

I flipped us over. Yu Yan now the one sitting on the counter. I wrapped her legs around my waist. We're so gonna regret this. "Fuck it—" I crashed my lips onto hers savoring the warmth of her lips. A moaned escaped causing her lips to part slightly. I took the chance to slip my tongue in; our tongues fighting for dominance. My hands traveled down to the hem of her shirt. I tugged on it signaling for her to lift up her arms and she did. Once her shirt came off, the glorious back tattoo was revealed once again. The reflection of her back turned me on even more. 'Damn, she's so sexy,' my fingers traced her back down to her waist. Wait there's more? It goes to her...o.o

"The front looks better," she tilted my chin and kissed my lips. I tried to keep my eyes forward but looking down might have been a really good idea at the same time. 'Don't look down, don't look down, don't look down...' looks down anyways. 'Fuck o.o not the laced bra," I bit my lip. "Like what you see?" she smirked cocking one of her brows. I gulped. The things this woman does to me. I attacked her neck with butterfly kisses gradually going lower and lower eventually reaching her chest. She stopped me by grabbing my face. "My turn," she mumbled in between my lips and stuck her tongue in my mouth. Our tongues dancing in sync. More moans escaping her mouth and mine. Yu Yan hands reached for her pants as her fingers fiddled with her button.

I finally realized where this was going and stopped . I separated our lips. "Yan, we can't do this," I looked her in the eyes. She pouted and hopped off the bathroom counter.

"Why? No one is gonna know," she caressed the side of my face. I sighed and handed her her shirt.

"You should put this back on," I said and left the bathroom leaving her by herself. 'Y/N she's drunk. You shouldn't have done that. It went too far already. What happened to sisters?' I contemplated as I walked to the living room. I crept around the sleeping members and headed to the kitchen grabbing myself water. I chugged down the bottle and sat on a barstool laying my head in my arms. 'What were you thinking? You should have stopped it the first time,' I shook my head. " I hope she isn't mad at me," I whispered.

Next Morning

"Y/N...Y/N..." I felt someone shake me. I groaned causing the other person to giggle. I lifted my head looking around, realizing I was still in the kitchen. "What are you doing sleeping in the kitchen?" Xuuer asked.

"Oh, I must've fallen asleep while I was getting water," I chuckled. Suddenly, Yu Yan walked in; our eyes met. She was about to say something until I stood up. "I'm gonna see if Kiki is awake," I walked out of the kitchen. 'Wow, great way not to make things awkward, Y/N' I facepalmed myself. I opened my door and saw the cute fox all curled up under the blankets. "How cute," I whispered.

I decided to rest my eyes a little and crawled under the blankets. My back and neck does hurt from last night. I wrapped my arms around from behind snuggling my head on her back. "You know there's space on the other side, right?" I heard her mumble.

"Shhh, don't ruin the moment," I said with my eyes closed hugging her tighter. As she was laying in my arms, a wave of guilt hit me. Here I am snuggled up with Kiki acting like last night didn't happen with Yu Yan.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled.

"Hmm?" she questioned.

"I'm sorry," I said again. She turned around to face me.

"What are you sorry for?" She caressed my face. I pulled her closer and buried my head in her chest.

"Just because...I'm sorry," I mumbled.

"Okay my big baby, I'll take your apology," she caressed my head and we fell asleep again.

I was woken up by the sound of giggling. 'Who is giggling so much?' I thought as I opened my eyes. I met with the giggling faces of the rest of the members. I immediately sat up realizing who's embrace I was in causing Kiki to wake up. "Hey~ guys, what cha doing in here?" I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Hi~," Kiki sat up and waved at them awkwardly.

"Well, I came in here to tell you guys that Yu Yan made breakfast, but I saw you two all cuddled up, so I had to tell the other girls," Shaking said.

"Aha, there's nothing to see here. Right, Ki?" I said getting out of bed.

"Yeah," she said patting down her bed hair.

"Wait, is my hair okay?" I turned to Kiki. She nodded and patted my hair.

"There those two go again," Xiaotang said rolling her eyes.


GUYS IM BACK! School has been occupying my time :( Finals is coming up and finally winter break :) I might end this book with 15 chapters or 20 whatever you guys want lol and then maybe start on a new book if I have time or update my Dai Meng book.

But anyway, how has everyone been doing? Thank you for supporting my book even though I have been away for a while. I promise I will try harder and make juicier chapters :)

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