| 11 | Witch

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"See!" Caroline interrupted the conversation she carried with Bonnie to aggressively point across the school courtyard.

The courtyard was moderately crowded with students milling around the area, talking in various sized groups during the short break they had between classes.

A few freshman boys angled their bodies around and nudged each other, smirks present on their faces as Presley Salvatore strolled past them. They dropped their voices and discussed their attraction toward the upperclassmen, unaware of her ability to hear every word they whispered.

The brunette vampire smirked to herself, amused at the attention focused on her as she swiftly moved throughout the courtyard toward her two friends. She was aware of every person, including the three freshman, who stopped to shoot looks in her direction.

One of the perks of being a Salvatore included the ability to sway people with their looks and charm. That has stayed true all throughout the years, even as a human.

Bonnie's head followed her friend's pointing and spotted Presley walking up to them.

"I told you she wasn't sick," Caroline stated in a know-it-all tone. She folded her arms over her chest and pursed her lips.

Presley reached the two with a smile.

"How nice of you to show up," Bonnie teased her, grinning. "You know you missed all of your morning classes, right?"

"Yeah, I—"

"So, why are you late?" Caroline interjected, grilling her for answers. She tilted her head to the side as her eyes narrowed on her friend. "Did you sleep in too late?"

Presley opened her mouth, prepared to respond. The blonde's eyes widened as a new thought entered her mind and she lunged forward, latching her figure around Presley's bicep, excitedly.

"Were you with a guy?!"

The brows on Presley's face rose at the sudden actions. "I was with a guy, but not in the way you're thinking," she coolly answered, peeling her friend's fingers from her arm.

The smile fell from Caroline's lips with grave disappointment and dropped her arm back to her side. She angled her body to face both of them.

"Honestly, both of your lack of sex lives disappoint me," she deadpanned.

The small gap divided between them vanished with one step and Presley casually draped her arm around Caroline's shoulders. She leaned close to her friend's face, flicking her cobalt yees over the facial features.

"Wow, Care," Presley expertly lowered her voice to ta smooth, seductive tone.

Bonnie raised a suspicious eyebrow at the confusing scene unfolding in front of her eyes. She was partly unfazed by Presley's behavior, yet found herself wondering how the moment would go. She adjusted her bag strap on her shoulder.

"I didn't realize my sex life bothered you so much," Presley whispered in Caroline's ear as she tucked a strand of blonde hair behind it. "I guess that just means you and I have to—"

"Okay, okay, no!" Caroline hurriedly ripped herself out from her hold with a faint shade of red blossomed on her cheeks. She flicked her bangs out of her eyes and fixed her purse strap hung on her elbow. "Sorry, but you're not exactly my type."

Presley cocked her head to the side at the declaration. She leaned forward until her lips nearly brushed across the side of Caroline's left cheek. "I'm everyone's type," she continued in the low, sultry voice.

"Cocky much?"

She switched her gaze to Bonnie as she straightened back up and shrugged. "What can I say?" She responded in her normal voice. "I'm confident in who I am."

White Lies (The Vampire Diaries)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora