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    Xue Yang was standing outside the entrance of the small cave, he was hiding in the bushes with the rest of the group. He was getting impatient but Wei Ying calmed him down, "Xue Yang, don't worry we'll get him out of there."
"It's been about a week since he was taken, who knows what they did to him," Xue Yang said sadly.
"I know, but we'll get him out," Wei Ying said, "right Lan Zhan?"
"Mn," the man in white responded. He walked ahead and was soon in full view, a few men walked out from the cave. They were drunk no doubt, and they were young.
"Who are you?" A man asked his words slurred.
Wei Ying hopped out of the bushes, "We're just wanderers, what about you?"
"We live here," the other man said.
"Oh really? Are you two alone here or is there someone else living with you?" Xue Yang asked catching on to the plan.
"We live with out boss, his name is Xue Hui," the first man said walking unsteadily. They walked away without another word and Xue Yang looked at Wei Ying.
"We're in the right spot," he said.
Wei Ying nodded, "Yeah, let's go in." They walked into the big the entrance and saw a wide area, there was nothing inside but a basin of water. They walked further in and saw a couple of rooms, they all went into separate rooms and Wei Ying whispered yelled, "I found him!"
Xue Yang rushed over and looked into the room, sure enough Xingchen was laying on the bed in the room. He went over and put a hand on his lover's forehead, it was freezing cold.
He picked the sleeping man up and carried him out of the room, "Let's go," he said and walked outside with no difficulties.
Wei Ying was keeping an eye out and suddenly saw something ahead of them, "Hui's here."
"Where?" Xue Yang asked looking around.
"I'm right in front of you brother," Hui said walking out into the light, he wore a smirk on his face.
"Damn it Hui," Xue Yang said, "why do you always come at the worst times."
"I'm sorry but I am the disappointment of the family. Now there's no time for chit chat," Hui said, "listen up. You two better give me that ring and necklace or else your daughter is getting it. And also brother, you have a very pretty lover."
"What do you mean?" Xue Yang asked pulling Xingchen closer.
"He has a very beautiful voice, and his body is also very seductive," Hui said smirking.
"What did you do to him?" Xue Yang asked glaring at the man.
"Oh nothing, I just had my fun and he was so tight and soft inside you know. You picked a good one," Hui said laughing, "and my men had a lot more fun than I did."
    "You fucking RAPED him?!" Xue Yang yelled, he looked at the sleeping man in his arms and felt tears well up in his eyes. He looked up and glared at Hui murderously, "I will fucking kill you, and that's a promise. Wei Wuxian, hold Xingchen."
    Wei Ying nodded and held Xingchen, as Xue Yang stalked towards Hui summoning his sword. He watched as the two brothers began to fight, swords clashing and clanking, Xue Yang lost his sword and began to dodge the hits. He kicked Hui's arm and the man dropped his sword as well. They fought with their bare hands and soon Hui was caught in a throat grip. Xue Yang held the man's throat tightly and Hui laughed hoarsely, "Don't you want to know what else happened to him?" Xue Yang's grip loosened and Hui took this chance to twist Xue Yang's arm.
    Xue Yang groaned and punched Hui, he moved back and looked at his arm, it was broken. He smirked at an idea, he transferred all the pain into the palm of his hand and ran forward. He hit Hui's chest and gave him all the pain and emotions he had.
    Hui felt the overwhelming emotions and pain and gasped. Xue Yang took this chance to run back and take Xingchen before gesturing for the others to follow him, and run.
    They three men ran for what seemed an eternity. They ran through trees and tall grass and fields of flowers, until they finally go to a small house on the side of the woods. It was abandoned and old, so they went in and each went into a room.
   Xue Yang laid Xingchen down surprised the man hasn't woken up. He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss on the sleeping beauty's forehead, "I love you bambi." He walked out and went to a different room to tend to his wounds and broken arm, then fell asleep on the dusty bed.

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