1-A New Friend

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I watched the raindrops run down the window of the carriage I quite happily sat alone in. The silence broke to a gentle knock of the door, to my surprise I saw a golden haired boy looking almost scared. He slid the door open ever so slightly.

"May I sit with you?, You see I nearly missed the train and I don't know a single person here." He spoke softly with a nervous smile painted across his face. I could tell he wasn't the most social of souls however I wasn't either.

"Yea sure, it was getting a little lonely in here.", I said with a warm smile.

As the boy sat down my focus went back to the window, all the scenery we were passing not noticing the boys slight curiosity and urge to speak.

"I'm awfully sorry I never introduced myself, Newt Scamander, first year." His face grew a pale red.

"Felicity Billow, first year also.", I said to him awkwardly playing with my hands, "I also know no one here, I'm quite nervous to be truthful."

"Me too though I am somewhat excited for herbology but endlessly waiting to take care of magical creatures in third year , you see I have had a love for magical creatures for as long as I can remember.", with this sudden burst of confidence I could tell this was something he had a genuine passion for as his eyes lit up just speaking about it. "Well you now know someone now, me!" He said with a big grin on his face.

"I'm excited for DADA it seems so fun, you see I also have a love for magical creatures, believe me or not my mother is a dragon trainer so I have grown up to see the beauty in animals.", I didn't care to realise I had babbled on a tad but he didn't seem to mind, he looked to be actually interested. "Sorry for getting carried away but may I suggest that we stick tougher until we get sorted, I'm just as vulnerable as you."

He looked at me with amusement, as to say he enjoyed my waffling, "I would like that very much."

After that we didn't really speak, just small talk, tough he did say something about his preferred house, he said he would enjoy being a Hufflepuff but still didn't really care as long as he was learning about creatures. However in my case it did matter what house I was in, I came from a Slytherin pureblood family and like the rest of the family I was expected to grow up in there footsteps. If not I will be deemed an outcast, as well as a disappointment. Nevertheless I didn't let it get to me as I was most likely will be sorted into Slytherin.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2020 ⏰

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