Chapter 15 : Meal of Disgustingness

Start from the beginning

I unpacked my belongings and settled in. I picked a bed and just sat down and started writing in my journal and drawing.

My attention was drawn by a loud but. I quickly looked up and saw Geoff letting out this loud and ongoing burp. It somehow managed to move our hair out of place and making the doors of the cabin shake.

"Wow," I widened my eyes completely shocked about what just happened.

"Nice one. That guy deserves to be captain," Trent said.

"SPEECH! SPEECH! SPEECH!" All the guys started chanting.

Geoff stood on a stool and prepared to speak. I shook my head at this craziness going on.

"I owe it all to my big bro back home. For showing me how to pull back and let her rip," He said letting out another loud burp. "Those chicks are going down."

I just shrugged and continue drawing a picture of Heather and hoping she was doing okay.


We all meet back up with Chris.

"It's time for today's challenge," Chris said.

"Uh, where's breakfast at?" Leshawna asked.

Chef and Chris then started laughing again at who knows what.

"Stop doing that!" Heather growled.

"Let's just tell them today's challenge is: The Brunch of Disgustingness. You'll be getting a nine-course meal. Each member of each team must finish each dish. You will not know if the next dish grosser than the last, or not as gross, or just as gross. Just that it will likely be gross."

"Tell them what they get if they win, Chris!" Chef exclaimed.

"The winning team spends two days at a local 5-star resort where they'll be pampered, eat gourmet nosh, and be given antibiotics may have got while participating in this challenge. The losing team will go hungry tonight and spend the next 2 days here on Total Drama Island with Chef." Chris told us making some of us gasp.

"We are going to win this challenge," Heather stated.

I smiled at Heather wishing her good luck.


We all sat down and prepared for the first 'meal'. Leshawna coughed to get our attention.

"Take a whiff, boys. 'Cause all I smell is victory for me and my girls." Leshawna said.

"I eat anything even my drawers if I have to. Will I have to?" Owen asked as I rolled my eyes.

"Let's begin the challenge," Chris said.

We removed the lid of the plate to reveal a..... a very interesting dish to say the least.

"Alright, meatballs! Bring it on!" Owen cheered pouring them in his mouth.

"Well technically, your right Owen. But these are kinda special." Chris winked.

"It's beef testicle bourguignon," Chef told him.

"Testicle?" Owen questioned then spat it out on DJ.

I watched all the guys attempt to finish the dish. They weren't doing so well. As for me, I was not going to attempt to eat that. That is just downright gross.

"What's the matter? You big boys can't eat a little meatball?" Heather taunted.

"Come on! We can't let the girls win. Our manhood is at stake." Geoff told us.

"You don't seriously expect me to eat this, do you?" I raised an eyebrow.

I watched the guys continue to attempt to finish the dish. I and Duncan both watched Geoff give Bridgette a pep talk and convinced her to finish the dish. 

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