"If I could be in that room to get rid of that fear, I would. I wouldn't let anything happen to you." He told me, which made me get an idea.

"What if you were the only one in the room?" I asked rhetorically, Louis becoming confused as my fear became forgotten. His touch left my skin as he sat straight up, face scrunched up into a frown.

"What do you mean?"

"What if you were the one healing me? Isn't healing a talent?" I asked, excitement making my tears stop and hope blossom within me. "You said you can learn any talent, what if you learned to heal?"

Louis blinked in astonishment a few times before staring at me. "Learning a new talent takes time, Mira."

"But still," I insisted. "You could learn and then eventually heal me! I wouldn't need to get an ICD or surgery or anything because I'll be healed!"

Louis didn't seem to share my excitement though, his mouth setting into a frown as his eyes became cast down to the sheets.

"I can't. I don't want to hurt you." He mumbled, my hand reaching up to his face to get him to look at me. He quickly grasped my hand with his own, bringing it again to his lips to kiss over the knuckles.

"You won't hurt me. You can heal me." I told him, Louis shaking his head as he released my hand, his warm touch no longer being felt on my skin.

"I don't want to. It's too great of a risk." He sighed, his grip on the covers now tight. "I don't want to risk me doing something worse to your heart."

"I trust you." I whispered. It was true. There was no one in the world, not even the greatest cardiovascular surgeon alive, that I would rather have fix me than Louis. Call me foolish, but that's how I felt. "Nothing bad will happen, I trust you."

"Mira you don't understand. I can't do it, it would be like doing open heart surgery with my mind." Louis' voice raised slightly as he tried to reason with me. "Even a minor lapse in concentration would cause huge collateral damage."

"I'm dying." I whispered as I stared up at Louis, who winced at the sound of my harsh words. "Everyday I get closer to the moment when my heart will stop working again, only this time for good."

"Which is exactly why you need to have the surgery. I don't want to risk your life by using Luxien magic when Terran technology could fix everything perfectly fine." Louis mumbled painfully.

"I don't want Terran technology when you could fix me." I argued, Louis becoming frustrated with my stubbornness.

"Mira, you don't understand." Louis started.

"I do understa-"

"No, you don't."

"Louis, I do-"

"Mira, I could kill you." Louis delivered his ultimatum, his pretty eyes scrunching shut again as the depth of the words he said silenced the entire room. When he opened his eyes again, the crackles and sparks they displayed surprised me.

"If I'm not careful, I could kill you. Do you know what that would be like? Knowing that you were responsible for the death of someone you knew? Someone you cared about?" Louis started rambling, but that wasn't what I was focused on. Small electrical sparks began to dance on the skin of his arms and between his fingers, and my eyes were drawn to the dangerous voltage I was witnessing running through Louis' body.

"Louis-" I attempted to alert him of the electricity he was generating, but he wouldn't have it.

"No, Mira, listen to me. That would be the worst form of torture, me waking up everyday knowing that it was my fault that you took your last breath, especially when you placed so much trust in me."

My eyes were still watching the dangerous sparks.

"Louis!" I exclaimed, finally succeeding in getting him to pay attention to me. "The sparks on your arms."

His eyes grew impossibly wide as he stared at his hands and arms, immediately reaching into his pocket for a battery to control the electricity he didn't notice he was generating. As soon as his fingers touched the battery, the sparks died down and his eyes returned to their normal shade of blue.

But Louis still wasn't my usual Louis. His eyes were still wide as he realized just how much he could've hurt me had he touched even my pinky finger. His gaze flicked to the various heart monitors and machines I was connected to, my heart sinking as I saw him hurry to get off the bed and get as far away from me as possible. His palm pressed against an outlet in the corner of the hospital room to relieve himself of the high voltage in his body, his slouched figure still upset with himself as he kept his back turned to me.

"Louis." I called out for him, but he only turned his head, his eyes showing an impossible amount of hurt. He was so close to hurting me, and it was killing him.

"I-I'm sorry...I need to...I'll just go..." He mumbled, rushing out of my hospital room before I had the chance to stop him.


It was eight o'clock at night in the Seattle hospital and Louis still hadn't returned. His guilt was probably eating him up, and it made my heart ache to know he was only keeping his distance to try and keep me safe. Dad had asked where Louis went, and I had only answered with a vague "Out, I guess."

By eight-thirty, I had accepted that Louis probably wasn't coming back, and prepared myself to get ready for bed, when a small knock sounded on the door.

I had turned my head to find Louis holding a gigantic teddy bear in his arms and a red heart balloon in his hand. Dad seemed to realize that was his cue to get up and leave, raising his eyebrows in a silly manner at me before hurrying out and closing the door behind him.

He got you a balloon and bear...he likes youuuuu... Dad seemed to mentally tease, which I shook off as he left the room with a silly smile.

Louis was silent as he walked over to my bedside, sitting at his usual place next to my bed. He only gave me a small smile as he tied the heart balloon to one of the heart monitors, handing me the huge bear next.

He leaned over and kissed me as he tucked me in with the bear, brushing some of my hair back as he sighed.

"I'm sorry." He simply said, but I didn't care if he had prepared a long speech or only said those two words. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him close to kiss him again, my lips lingering on his longer than before.

"I missed you." I mumbled, Louis looking hurt before he saw me smile at the huge teddy bear he had gotten me. He had a plaid bow tied around his neck and I thought it was just about the most adorable thing ever.

"Will you stay the night?" I asked Louis, who seemed a bit relieved at my lack of anger towards him.

"Anything for my Butterfly." He said before sitting back down and smiling that wonderful grin I loved. My arms wrapped around the plush teddy bear as I closed my eyes and prepared to go to sleep, Louis' hand running through my wavy hair as he softly sang me to sleep.

My dreams that night had no men in scary black coats or dead parents. No, my dreams that night were of Louis and me slow dancing in our meadow, with no heart problems or worries to bother us.

A/N: Dedication goes to niallsgirl2002 for her multiple comments on every chapter. You are a truly dedicated reader worthy of a dedication :)

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