part 9

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we have been celebrating backstage for a while

But then I saw that the shield's match is next crap...

I'm worried about them

Maybe I'll be ringside for it

"Dean?" I asked

"Yes?" Dean asked

"Can I come ringside" I ask

Dean looked straight at me "no way in hell" he said

"We can't risk you getting hurt" Seth added

"Bray is a sick man he might do something to you" roman pointed out

I was now frustrated i'm not some porcelain doll

"I can handle myself, I don't need you guys to protect me" I said

"Yes you do bray could hurt you seriously" dean said

"I'm not a fragile little girl dean, i'm capable of taking care of myself" I said raising my voice

If there us one thing I hate its being underestimated

"No you can't he is a grown ass man he can break you in two, your just a weak child" dean yelled

I then slapped him

"I'm NOT a weak child, I WAS" I yell and run out the room

I can't believe he just called me that

I'm a strong woman

I just..UHHHH

I need to relax so I went to Daniel

After I told him everything he said "look he shouldn't have called you weak but he was just looking out for you, he was protecting you and believe it or not sometimes you need protecting"

I breathed out heavily

"I guess your right, I understand Daniel"

I then snuggled in his chest

"You know I slapped him too" I said guilty

"Well, you were mad, don't doubt it you have a bit of a temper he laughed

I laughed with him

I got up and went to the shield locker room but they were gone

I looked through the room no one was there until the light shut off it was total and complete darkness

I heard a creepy laugh

Oh god no

"Where is dean to come and save you now" bray said

I quickly turn around trying to find the door

"Come on come onnnn" I begged

"Oh sweetheart do you not like the dark?" Bray taunted

It was true I was terrified of the dark one of my worst fears

The TV flickered on to see the shield watching what was happening to me on the tron

"Dean!!!! I'm sorry, please find me" I screamed

And then I saw dean bolt from the ring to backstage roman and Seth right behind him

"Dakota? What's wrong? Afraid of what you can't see?" Then I felt a finger trace down my thigh

I scrambled away

Then the door busted open

The boys stood there and dean attacked bray while roman and seth was comforting me

Enemies at first sight (NEEDS MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now