Season 1 Episode 1: The beginning of it all

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- 1 year later-

There was a buzz of excitement as as we got prepared for interviews for the first episode of dance moms. We were in a spare room of the studio and were doing each other's makeup as we already had our outfits on and hair done. I had my blonde hair in a high ponytail with a few loose curls at the end, and I was wearing a denim blue romper that complimented my ice blue eyes with a black belt and platformed black glittery converse . The moms were getting ready in another room with makeup artists and hair stylists, which we were very jealous of, but we all knew how to do makeup anyways. Perks of being a dancer I guess. Just as I had finished getting my makeup done by Chloe (it was glittery lip gloss and shimmery eyeshadow) the producer Chris (he had hair mousy brown hair and chocolate brown eyes) walked in and told Maddie she would be the first doing the interviews and she had to go now. He then left the room and she made to follow but was cut short by Brooke's screech of, "wait!" She turned around, "what?!" Brooke rushed over to her and sprayed some of her famous peach body spray on her. "There," rolling her eyes playfully, she walked out the door. We waited around for about 30 mins until she returned with Chris again. "Chloe, could you come with me please?" Chloe nodded and followed him out of the room. We bombarded Maddie with questions. "How was it?" "What do they ask you?" "Was it scary?" She cut us off, "whoa! One at a time please. To answer all of your questions, it was fine, they just ask you about what age you are, your favourite style of dance and stuff, and no it was not scary." We stopped tensing so much.

-Time skip to my turn (the very last interview)-

When Nia retuned, I went in the opposite direction and out the door, where Chris was waiting, holding a clipboard. "Your the last, am I right?" "Yes," I say with a smile. "Alight, let's go, your moms already waiting for you." I nod and follow him to another room, this time larger, that was set up with cameras and in the background had old costumes hanging. The room also had two stools, one where mum was waiting and one next to her which was empty. Chris motioned motioned for me to sit in it, so I walked over and sat down. There was a woman behind the camera and she introduced herself in a peppy voice. "Hi! I'm Charlotte, But everyone calls me Lottie, I'm executive producer and clowns twin, younger by 5 mins." When she said clown she nodded towards Chris, who just smirked and shook his head. Lottie looked a lot like Chris with the same hair, only one eye was exactly the same shade as Chris's and one eye was a light brown. "Alright, when I turn the cameras on, I'm going to ask you to introduce yourself and your daughter," she said to mum more that to me, "then I'm going to ask you," she pointed at me, "a few questions! K?" We nodded. "Okay. Three, two, one, action!" Mum started talking. "Hi, I'm Sarah O'Niell, and this my daughter Louise O'Niell," I gave I smile and a wave, "and we are the only Irish members of the ALDC! We joined the team because Abby saw a video of Louise at a competition back in Ireland, and decided she wanted her on the team, so here we are! Louise has won 13 titles (I won another one through the year) from England, Ireland, Australia and America." "And cut! That was amazing! We did that in one take! Now Louise, you're now going to introduce yourself, saying how old you are, why you dance, your favourite styles of dance, and your best friends are here in the studio. Ok?" I nodded. "3, 2! 1... action!" I saw the red light on the camera turn on so I began speaking. "Hi! I'm Louise O'Neill, and I am 9 years old, my favourite styles of dance are lyrical, lyrical contemporary and lyrical ballet. Basically all the sad styles, but I love all styles. All the girls here are like my sisters, but I am probably closest to Chloe and Maddie. I started dancing because I was always the quiet girl in school, you know the type, always have their head in a book, you've never heard them speak, no friends. The reason for that was my dad. He always ridiculed me and was always at my throat, and finally when he hit me my mum had had enough, and she divorced him. But I was never really the same. Dance was a way to express myself without having to use words, to speak at all. There was also these girls at school, Tatya, Tanya and Taylor, triplets whose surname I won't say for obvious reasons. They were also dancers at a rival studio, and for some reason hated me with a burning passion. It's not like I ever said anything to them, I never said anything to anyone. They just hated me. Anyways, sorry about that rant, I'm Louise." With a laugh, Lottie turned off the camera. "Oh my gosh, you didn't have to apologise at the end! That was so inspirational, I'm so sorry you had to go through that! That was perfect by the way," I laughed and thanked her, before mum and me going out of the room and up to the viewing area, where everyone minus Abby and Gia, who were probably getting interviewed were. "How was it babes?" Mommy Mel (a nickname we used for Melissa) asked. "Yeah, it was good, she just asked how many titles I won and stuff," Nia looked down. "Don't worry Nia, you're and amazing dancer, I'm sure you'll get lots soon. Anyways, she asked me why I danced, so I told her about Tatya, Tanya, Taylor and dad." The girls now had an angry look on their faces, so I calmed them down. "Don't worry guys, they'll get what they deserve, that's what karma is for." They nodded. Abby and Gia came up. "Okay girls, get your things on for pyramid." We nodded and walked down to the den, stripping off our clothes and putting on our leotards and feet shoes as we liked to call them. They were just shoes that make it look like you're dancing in bare feet. We then walked through the connecting door between the den and studio A and the den, where Abby was waiting. We walked over to the mirror and stood in first position in front of it and the pyramid. "Girls, new year, better technique and more wins. We lost twice in the last year, and I want that to go to to one, or, even better, none. Ok?" We nodded. "This week we are going to dance troop challenge, in NYC! We clapped excitedly . She cut us off. "But, the Rotten Apples will be there." We groaned. The 'rotten apples' as we liked to call them, are Candy Apples Dance Centre, in Ohio. Led by Cathy Nesbitt Stein, they had never beat us. Ever. Cathy had auditioned her daughter Vivi- Anne to join our team shortly after I had, except she didn't get in. Such a pity. Needless to say she was furious. She stormed out of the studio with Vivi-Anne, cursing and throwing things as she went. After that, she made it her mission to follow us everywhere to beat us, and her mission has failed. Abby continued, "I want each and every one therefore, to give it your absolute all this weekend. Our group dance is called inner demons. It is about devil worshipper who summons demons to destroy the world. Louise you are the lead. We have a two trios, the first one goes to Paige, Brooke and Nia. It's called the Businesswomen. It's a jazz. Louise, Chloe and Maddie. You also have a trio. We grinned and hugged each other. It's called caught in the riptide. It is a lyrical. Louise, Chloe and Maddie, you three have solos. Maddie your solo is called cry. Chloe you have a solo called Baby mine. Louise your solo is called I think I'm falling in love. Alright moms, you can go, I've got work to do." The moms left. Alright, the group. It's about inner demons, so you have to be scary. It is a dark contemporary piece. Alright, here's the music.

The music was dark and scary, one of the things we do best. When we had finished, Abby took Paige's trio and we went into studio B to work on our trio. We said hello to Gia and she walked over to the computer and played the music.

We then choreographed that trio, and it was definitely our favourite dance together by far. There were cameras everywhere which was a bit distracting, but we knew we had to get used to it so we just got on with it. When we were finished Chloe left to work with Cj, another one of our choreographers, and Maddie stayed with Gia while I went back to studio A to work with Abby. I smiled at her when I walked in, something she returned before explaining what the solo was about. "Alright Louise, this is about a quiet girl who had her heart broken in the past, so when she starts falling for this guy she's terrified. So I want to see broken hearted, scared p, all of those types of emotions. Ok?" I nodded and she went over and played my music. Here it is:

The music was beautiful, and I loved it. When we finished we all out on our clothes and the moms decided we could all go to McDonalds. After a fun night, we went home.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2020 ⏰

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