Part 30 - Arcana Strength and Fortune

Start from the beginning

"Good, let's get going." Takuya said before leading Team A out of the room.

Koromaru led the group to the plaza, barking wildly once they reached their destination. The other three members of Team A all followed closely behind their canine companion and looked in the direction he was barking.

"There they are!" Takuya shouted as the group looked upon the two large Shadows. One looked like a woman in a dress caressed in a swirling bundle of flowers, this was Arcana Strength. The other Shadow was Arcana Fortune, it looked like some kind of metal lion, the pairing of the two Shadows reminded Takuya of the Strength tarot card which made sense given all the Shadows are based on, he knew what those cards looked like cus his mom had an interest in that sort of thing which unfortunately meant his memory of the cards was kind of vague.

" we wait for the others." Takuya said. "Hope they don't take too long."

"What are your orders while we stand by?" Aigis questioned.

"We make sure they don't leave our sight, if either tries to make a move..." Takuya began to explain but he stopped as Arcana Strength took notice of them.

"Scratch that! Looks like we're attacking now!" Takuya shouted as he raised up his shield, the four charged into the plaza and engaged the enemies.

Meanwhile, on the other side of Port Island, Shinjiro Aragaki was in that same back alley hangout spot he use to hang out in before rejoining S.E.E.S. The young man wasn't there just to hang out, he had been asked to meet someone there, that someone was Ken Amada who was waiting there with his large spear in his hands.

"You came..." Ken said as he glared at Shinjiro "...You actually came." but Shinjiro did not say a word back. "I'm surprised you abandoned the operation." the child continued speaking "Do you know why I asked you to come here?" but still Shinjiro refused to speak.

"Two years ago." Ken spoke "October 4th 2007, my mom died here...." his voice began to crack as he lost his composure "They said it was an accident, but I know that was a lie! I know the truth!" his voice kept rising in volume "You murdered her! Ever since that day, it's been one bad thing after another! To make things worse, no matter where I go! All I get is sympathy, what's even the point of living!" Shinjiro just stood there as this child continued to breakdown and scream in front of him.

"I thought about killing myself....but I know Mom wouldn't have wanted that..." Ken stopped shouting but he was just as emotional before "So once I found out who here killer was....I knew what I had to do, I had to get my revenge on the person who took her away from me." the boy raised his spear and pointed it towards Shinjiro, the older boy let out a sigh and looked the kid in front of him in the eyes. "Do it." was all the teen said.

Back at Iwatodai Station, Team A were currently still in the middle of fighting the two massive Shadows. Takuya and Mitsuru had both just been knocked onto the ground and were currently picking themselves up, Aigis and Koromaru meanwhile were keeping the fight going and covering for their fallen comrades.

"Takuya and Mitsuru have fallen!" Aigis exclaimed "Continue to provide them cover fire while they regain their footing!" Koromaru barked in response and two both summoned their Personas, Palladion and Cereberus respectively, and began to attack Arcana Strength with various spells that did damage but not a lot.

"Alright, now I'm mad!" Takuya shouted as he grabbed his evoker and shot it off at his head, summoning Forneus to the field and using Bufula on Arcana Strength.

"Good thinking!" Mitsuru said as she summoned Penthesilea and joining Takuya in one the ice-spell onslaught, suddenly Arcana Fortune sprung to action and a large roulette wheel fell from the sky and stopped everyone's attacks.

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