Chapter 8 Judgement Day

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I had blacked out. But I came back in time to feel Art and Adam pulling on me, "Damn, she's strong," they both said in unison. They had pulled me off of her and they had pulled so hard that all three of us landed on our asses in front of her. I surveyed the damage I had done to her. I looked at her face and saw that she was crying and her nose was profusely bleeding, her lip looked split open and it was also bleeding and her eyes had already begun to swell; her cheeks were really red, it was more red than Blake's when I had slapped him; so I guess during my blackout I slapped that stupid, wicked open-mouthed grin off her face. She began to move and as I remembered exactly why I did all those things, I balled up my fist and prepared to go at it again, but as I balled up my fist I looked down to find a very large clump of her auburn hair. I smiled darkly and I yelled, lunging for her again, but a voice stopped me.

"Ameila! This is no way to behave!" That voice was booming and very loud. I turned to look at the door that was left unlocked and met the eyes of my father.

"Father!" I wasn't scared, more angry that he dared to stop me from destroying this murdering wench.

"Oh George; thank God you've come!" Andromeda crawled on her hands and knees to my father trying to get away from me. She began crying and relaying the details of her ordeal. "Your daughter is absolutely retched. She just ran in here and began beating me for no reason at all and I begged her to stop, but she just kept right at it all the while screaming that I murdered her mother. Can you believe that, me murder anyone at all? Oh please--" She continued to blubber on and on until my father interjected, "Actually, I quite can believe it." My father's eyes left mine and went to look at Andromeda as he knelt down to where she lay curled around his leg.

He grabbed her neck, quite harshly and rough, and brought her face to his and in the most deadly of tones and the harshest of whispers he said in her ear, "I heard every word that left your mouth, I stood outside your bedchamber and," he said these next five words through clenched teeth, "heard. Every. Word. You. Said." When my father pulled back I could see the complete and utter terror in her eyes.

"No, George please; I can expl--!" But it was too late; for my father had dragged her up by her neck and threw her against the wall, pinning her there as she cried out. The gardener did nothing to save her, the gardener was--. Oh no, where was the gardener? He must have escaped down the secret passageway. I turned to Art, took his sword before he could stop me, and then ran down the corridor to find the lover. "Ameila!" Art and Adam called after me, but it was too late I was already on my way down a path that I knew I would regret going.

I kept running until I came to the stairs taking me down; I lifted my skirts and as soon as I reached the bottom I was knocked over the head with something and fell backwards and the sword was yanked from my hands. The gardener pressed the sword to my throat, "I should have killed you when I had the chance." And as he raised the sword to plunge into whatever part of me he planned to I couldn't help but to think of Blake. Oh God! A tear sprang from my eye as I closed my eyes and tried to imagine his face and there he was smiling at me with that smile that I just knew I could never live without; if I had to die, my last thought was going to be of Blake and his penetrating eyes and that voluptuous smile of his; I took a deep breath and smiled waiting for death to take me. But it never came; I heard a guttural squelch and I opened my eyes to find the gardener with a sword piercing his chest from behind and as it was slowly removed he opened his mouth and blood fell from it as the hole in his chest bled. He fell to the ground revealing... Blake. I gasped and ran into his arms jumping over the dead body, Blake dropped his sword and the impact of my running at him full force knocked us both to the ground, but I don't think either of us cared. My arms were tight 'round his waisted as I straddled him, while one of his arms was snug around my neck and the other around my waist pulling me closer to him and he breathed into my hair. And we stayed like that until I heard clamoring down the steps. I turned my head and Blake loosened his grip around my neck, but didn't dare let go of my waist. The opening came to reveal Art and Adam who were panting. I realized that if it were not for Blake I would have never again seen their panting faces. With his hands on his knees Art panted, "Are. You. Guys. Ok?" But Blake ignored the question and got up with me still on top of him and set me down gently, "Where the hell were you two?! I sent you with her for protection not to leave her with some lunatic with the intentions of taking her life!" I could feel his fury coming off of him in waves as he stood there. "We had to stop the King; if we did not, then he would have killed Andromeda and I know he would not have wanted that on his conscience," explained Adam. But Blake was still in a dangerous rage, "Do you honestly think that I care? Your duty was not to protect an adulterer from a death she would have seen, anyway--" I could not take seeing the guilty faces of Art and Adam so I interrupted. I grabbed Blake's face bringing him closer to mine and kissed him so passionately I knew he couldn't resist. I ran my right hand down his body till I got to his stomach and put my hand behind my back to signal Art and Adam to run. I could hear them scurrying off; going back the way they had come. Blake pulled his lips from mine and used the hand behind my back to push me close enough to him that my breasts were pushed up against his chest. I gasped. "You really shouldn't have done that." He said, looking at me with that intensity that I just could not bear.

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