Chapter 13 - A Mysterious Letter

Start from the beginning

"A pigeon flew by my balcony and this fell off its talon foot. It's probably an accident but still. It's written in code but there was no code system inside," you explained. Your mother put her hand on her chin, thinking hard about what was going on. "It's definitely a villainous organization."

You thought about it for a while and something came into your head. "Do you think it's Lysandre?" you asked. Lysandre is a leader of an extremely immoral and wicked villainous organization and he has a huge army of grunts as well as dangerous weapons. He is a man with a dark mind and his goal is to become the King of Kalos. "Maybe, we don't know yet. But all we have to do for now is to crack this mysterious cipher," your mother instructed and you nodded. "Also, Y/N, if you're going to tell your inamorato about it, make sure he keeps it surreptitious," your mother said. "By the way, you guys are cute together."

You blushed when your mother said that. "Mom!!" you cried and looked away. You calmed down and left the office with the piece of paper in your hand. You decided to go to Steven's room to tell him about it. "Hi bro," you said when he opened the door. "Sup lil sis?"

"We need to talk, I found this cryptogram. I told mother just now," you said as you walked into the room. You went to the computer in your brother's room and put the piece of paper onto the glass table. "Hm...this code, it looks familiar," your brother said quietly. It did look familiar indeed. It looked like something to do with letters and alphabets.

"Do you think it's something to do with the alphabets?" you asked. "It's definitely encoded from something but what?" Your brother looked at you and analyzed what you said just now. "Maybe it's the alphabet."

You two searched up the alphabet in numbers and you found an image with the letters in numbers. "Let's try this," you said. You grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and started decoding the cyptograph.

After a while, you were done with the decoding. It wrote:

To the specific person,

Lysandre must be King. Go to the forest in West Lumiose, the boss will meet us there.

Messager '004'

"Look at the number of the messager" your brother suddenly said. "What?" you asked, extremely confused at what Steven was trying to tell you. "Think about 004, what does it symbolize?" Steven said and your eyes widened. "Death," you whispered.

You and Steven went to your mother's office again, which was your second time going in this hour. "Mother we've decoded this thing," you said waving the piece of paper and slammed it onto the desk in excitement. "WHAT????" your mother said loudly. "You two are geniuses!!!"

You and your brother exchanged smiles while your mother read the thing. "Lysandre...Y/N you were right, Team Flare is behind all of this," your mother said and facepalmed at the thought of Lysandre's gluttonous plots. You gritted your teeth and felt anger in your body burning up. "He knows he can't be King. He doesn't even have royal blood and isn't in the family. He's pathetic and we must be careful for the time being," you said with fume in your voice.

You decided to leave the office while Steven and your mother had a talk about how to counter Lysandre's plots so you went to Ash's room to tell him about it.

"Open up!!" you called into the room and the door immediately opened and you went in, then plopped onto his bed. "You like my bed a lot don't you?" Ash said and laughed. You didn't smile or anything which was strange to Ash. "Y/N what's wrong?"

"I need to talk to you about something," you said, with an extremely serious tone in your voice. "I'm all ears," Ash said. "You promise not to tell anyone? Keep it between my mother, Steven and me, if you tell anyone, you're -" you said and made a cracking voice with your finger sliding horizontally on your neck. Ash gulped as he have never seen you act so serious in his life.

"I promise, I won't tell anyone at all costs," he replied and you nodded. "I found this from a pigeon that flew by above my balcony. This is a piece of paper encoded and it's one of the messagers from the most dangerous villainous organization here in Kalos, Team Flare. Their leader's name is Lysandre, a man who's desire is to become the King of Kalos. He's planning to plot on the monarch, which according to the law, is illegal," you started a monologue. "He is very dangerous and I've told mother about it and we're trying to find a plan to counter that organization to make sure Lysandre doesn't succeed."

Ash nodded while absorbing the information into his head and his countenance changed from nervous to fumes. "I AM GOING TO KILL THIS PERSON!!!" he yelled. "Calm down," you said. "I AM NOT GOING TO CALM DOWN!! HE'S TRYING TO PLOT ON THE MONARCH AND YOU BELONG TO THE FAMILY AND YOU ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON IN MY LIFE AND I CANNOT LET LYSANDRE PLOT ON YOU AND YOUR FAMILY!!!" Ash said with irritation in his voice. You blushed a bit but it faded when you saw Ash going ballistic. You hugged him tight to stop his anger even though he thrashed around for a few seconds but eventually calmed down. "Thanks, I needed that," he replied and felt a little guilty for retorting at you. "I'm sorry I snapped," Ash then said.

You put your hands on his face and brought him closer and lip locked. He kissed back and hugged you tightly. "Stay chill from now, we got the brains and the brawns while they've only got the brawns," you said smirking and Ash smiled. "Alright, I'll try."

You and Ash decided to do some homework when a butler knocked on the door. "Your Highness, Prince Steven and Queen Diantha is having lunch now. They informed me that they've got business to do and can't have lunch with you two so may I take your orders," the butler said. "Ash come here," you said, "May I have pizza and spaghetti for the main meal and an ice cream sandwich for dessert?"

"As you wish, Your Highness," the butler said. "Ash, what do you want for lunch?" you asked. "Same as yours," Ash replied, licking his lips when he thought about the unlimited ice cream.

The butler left the room and headed to the kitchen while you and Ash killed some time by doing homework. "Homework is so boring so let's start with the painful ones," Ash said and you went to grab your math book.

You came back, charging into Ash's room a minute later and dumped your math book onto the table. "Time to reduce pain," you said jokingly and started doing the work. Ash sat next to you and did the same.

For math, you had to learn boring index laws, algebraic equations, geometry and many other topics you've never thought you'd learn at school.

After a long half hour of hard work, there was a faint knock on the door. It was quite faint but due to your sensitive ears, you heard it easily. "Your Highness, lunch is ready," the butler said, as he pushed the serving cart into the room. "Thank you," you said as you took the food from the cart and put it on the table.

Once the butler left, you tossed your math book onto the bed and sighed deeply, following with a tired groan, "Stupid math." Ash looked at you with a piece of pizza in his mouth and signalled you to bite the other end of it. You blushed and bit the other end of the pizza. You took a few more bites and ate your spaghetti while Ash finished the rest of the pizza.

You ate some of your spaghetti but you wanted to save room for the ice cream sandwich so Ash finished the spaghetti for you. You took a bite of the ice cream sandwich and you felt the ice cream melt in the heat of your mouth. "Here, try this," you said to Ash, who was too focused on his food to have heard your voice. You facepalmed and gently pulled his ears to get his attention. He took a bite of your food and squealed again. "That's so good!! I've never tasted stuff as delicious as this in my life," he said and you smiled.

Ash finished his food way quicker than you and he stared at you while you finished yours. You felt a little self conscious that you didn't notice that the whole time. He lifted your chin up and wiped the small food crumb on your face and you blushed madly and looked away in embarrassment.

After lunch, your mother called you to her office and you went there while Ash finished his homework.

"Y/N, your brother and I have made an important decision," your mother said. "Don't worry, you can still go to Kalos High. I believe that there won't be danger," she added, when she saw your fizzog. "YESSS!!" you yelled, which Steven heard and came charging through the door and you laughed your head off. "Steven you're so paranoid," you joked and he frowned but then turned into a smile then left.

Your mother handed you ammunition and a gun for safety and you left the office with a broad grin on your face, despite the danger you might be in.

❤️☀️𝙼𝚢 𝙵𝚞𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎'𝚜 𝙵𝚊𝚝𝚎 (𝙰𝚜𝚑𝚇𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)🌙💙Where stories live. Discover now