"It means 'I will pay for this, as in 'I will treat you to this '.", he explained easily.

"Wow, Dami you are so kind.", I said in aww.

He chuckled at my words and handed me the lunch.

That's when I noticed he didn't get anything for himself.

"Where is your lunch, Dami?", I asked him curiously.

"I don't need my own lunch because I can always have yours.", he stated.

"Oh", I said dumbly as I walk towards the seating area.

"Do you want to be my friend? " I ask him trying to break the awkward silence.

I felt him stiffen for a moment and quickly reply with a big 'No' as a big frown makes its way to my face.

"Okay, how about if I share my lunch with you every day and I can.... even give you my last lollipop", I said trying to bribe him but failed miserably.

"Tempting...but still No", he said and I felt my heart sink a bit.

"Why don't you want to be my friend?", I asked still frowning.

"Because I don't want to be your friend. " He said slowly like he was trying to explain to me something big.

I couldn't help but feel sad.

He didn't want to be my friend...

But I won't stop trying until he finally agrees to be my friend

I couldn't help but let the giggles escape my mouth at that thought.

"So tell me more about, who is this Dimples?", He asked all of a sudden.

"Dimples is my first new friend." I tell him excitedly.

"Then why did she leave you here all alone and where is your friend right now?", He asked me a bit angry in his voice.

I was about to tell him that it was a boy, not a girl, but only to be interrupted by Dimples himself.

"Hey Princess, I found your bottle. It was.........C-Carter?", Dimples said handing me my bottle.

I couldn't express how grateful I was to finally get my bottle back but first, there was something important to do.

"Dami meet my one and only friend Lucas but I call him Dimples because he has beautiful dimples.", I introduce Dimples to Dami.

I felt Dami's grip on my waist tighten but I simply ignore it.

"Hey, I didn't know what you would like so I got you a burger, and guess what, Dami brought it as his treat", I tell Dimples happy that I still remember the meaning of the word.

Yay, I'm a little smart!

A big smile cracked on my face as I remember about my water bottle.

I'm so grateful I have Dimples as my friend, and here I didn't even thank him for it, so I free myself from Dami's grip and quickly go and kiss Dimples on his cheeks.

"Only friends she said", I heard a voice from behind me only to realize it was Dami.

Just as I was about to hug Dimples, I felt myself being lifted again in the air like before with the back of my dress.

Suddenly forgetting about everything that was going on.

I felt like I was a bird flying in the air in full speed.

"Wheeeeeeee", I cry in happiness flapping my hands like angry birds on tv.

I couldn't help but let the giggles escape my mouth at my dumb thoughts as they both look at me weirdly.

"It's Nothing", I said too quickly because the next thing I know ...

They both together narrowed their eyes at me.

Okay, now that was so cute, they looked like those cute tiny kittens!

"You both look so cute", I by mistake blurt out my thought.

"I'm. not. cute!", Dami said sending me a playful glare.

"Yupp, your not....cute, you are just adorably cute", I squeal as I couldn't help but laugh as I tried to pinch his cute cheeks.

One second I was trying to squeeze his cheeks together the next Dami turns his head away from me.

Did I upset him??

I really didn't mean to...

I felt my stomach drop at the thought of him mad at me.

I felt my tears on the verge of falling from my eyes

"Sorry, Dami (sniff) I'm really sowyy. You are not.... c-cute.", I whispered softly looking at the ceiling as I try my best not to cry.

Hearing that, he turned his head so fast towards me that for a second I thought might have sprained his neck.

"Sunshine, I was just joking. Please don't cry.", He said while kissing me on my forehead.

I giggled when I felt his lips on my skin.

"But I was wrong, you are just not cute you are very handsome like Prince Charles!!", I  replied to Dami but I noticed the small frown that made its way to Dimple's face once I said that...

Froggy! I forgot about Dimples.

"You are very handsome like Prince Charles too!!! I can't believe I have a friend like you", I told Dimples happily.

I remember about my forgotten food and then my tummy decided to make her own entry with a loud growl.

"I'm hungry", I mumbled a bit embarrassed.

»»------- ♡ -------««

Hello readers!

I hope you like the story so far

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Once again thank you so much for reading my book, you just made my day so much better!!.

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