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July 1,1991
Tom's POV
It's been 6 years since the potters have adopted me I can still remember my first in counter with my brother,Harry Potter
Flashback to six years ago
I was crying because this day was the day my mother left me at this god forsaken orphanage, all because she didn't want me to become like my brother who turned into the dark wizard of all time and I was drowning my though sad and depressing thoughts when a sweet lady came in,she had red hair and emerald eyes and she had a sweet soft voice,
"Hello child,why are you crying"she asked my while wiping the tears from my eyes
"I'm crying because this is the day my mother left me" I told her trying not to cry but failing
"If you want I can be your new mother"
"I would want that but nobody wants a monster as a child"
"You aren't a monster child"she said other words I just forgot what they were and she comforted me and said
"You know what I'm going to take you home with me,I have a son he is about your age,Harry come inside"
A raven haired boy with green eyes entered the room
"Hi I'm Harry Potter" be extended his hand to me
"Tom Marvalo Riddle" and I shook his hand
"Mommy is Tom going to be my new brother?"
"Yes darling only if he wants" she turns to me
"What do you say Tom,would you like to join our family?"
"Yes please"
"Come on get your things and my name is Lily"
Flashback ends
That was the last day I spent at the orphanage I have been living with the Potters every since.
They are like my real family well they are my real family,Lily and James treat me like a son,Harry treats me like a brother and I couldn't be happier.
"Yes Harry?"
"Did you get your letter?"
"Yes I did,did you?"
"Yup and next week we are going to get our stuff at Diagon alley"
"Cool wanna go out side and play with padfoot (they named their dog after sirus)"
"Sure let's go"
And Harry and I spent the rest of the day with Padfoot and exploring the woods out side

Harry's POV
I got my letter today and so did Tom,im very happy he got his letter.His's very smarter and talented I think he would be in Ravenclaw.
"Hey Harry, I have a question?"
"Yes,go ahead Tom ask"
"What house would you like to be sorted into"
"Well I don't know,I never really though about it,what about you?"
"I do like Ravenclaw but Slytherin and Gryffindor aren't that bad either"
I think to myself I knew it he would totally be in Ravenclaw
"Well Tom I honestly don't care as along as we are in the same house then I'm fine,come on lets go to the park nearby"
"Mommmmmm we are going to take Padfoot out for a walk"
"Ok boys just be back before dinnerl!"
"And boys don't bring back any girls home"
Me and tom giggled at what our dad said
"James Fleamont Potter don't say that to our boys"
Tom and I decided to excuse ourselves from the scene and took Padfoot to the park

(Um please vote anyways slowish updates or whenever I wanna update I will update,and yes I know i suck at writing and doing povs)

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