EP23-more confusions

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the morning has come all of the lion guard is awake.

Kion: let's go to Medora  

Kion sees the lair of the lifeviours empty and where Medora sleeps she is not there.

rani: where is Medora?

Fuli: yeah we came all the way from the tree of life to get healed and the healer is not here

Kion and rani: Tree of life where? well it doesn't matter let's find Medora

Fuli is stunned

Just then aima comes from behind.

Kion: anga.........

Aima: no need of that, Medora is at the lake, I'll take you there

kion: thanks

Aima: yeah, I see

when they come there

Aima: there she............

Onya: aima aima! there are a tiger, a coyote, and a black panther. they are chasing the group of deers we tried to stop them but they said they have followed kion not to be kicked out.

Aima: kion you!!.......I'll talk to you later

she went away 

Kion: they followed us we shall help them

Fuli: yes

  kion: lion guard with me!!

just when they went there

Aima: kion no!

the lion guard collided with the lifeviours.

kion is over aima

Aima: would you mind letting me go?

Kion: no...........sorry.....yes,.....................nooo

Aima [is now standing]: what do you want to extract from me, first you lead them here, and then don't let me do my work? you are guests behave like one. lifeviours to zebras.

they all left. lion guard is standing

Kion: I have to help it's my mistake and I shall clear it.

then the lion guard went there again.

Aima: kion?!!!!

the lifeviours came to a side but the lion guard fell. vurugu[black panther] is over kion. rani is standing at the back. Bunga and full are pinned by adui[coyote]. beshte is having a hard time with Tim[tiger]. both the birds are at the back as they were pushed by Tim.

aima: kion!!!   she went there and gave vurugu a claw on his neck he backed.

Aima: you ok?

Kion: yeah thanks.

Vurugu came running again towards kion.

Aima: kion!

she pushed him and became prey to vurugu.

Vurugu: what a pleasant beauty

he retracted his claws and gave aima a scratch on her left eye.

Aima: let me show you what this beauty can do. 

she kicked hard on his belly and came out from there. the rest team helped the rest of the guard fight continued for a little time. finally, the bad guys went and aima is a little injured on eyes and one of her forelimbs broke.

 Aima: now tell me why did you lead them here

Kion: we didn't know they were following us.

Aima: why did you put your leg in between?

Kion: I was trying t help

Aima: and I had to help you instead.

they went to Medora

Aima: onya you take the lead  I'll come after some time.

Onya: affir.....{looked at ono} I mean ok

they went away; Medora came. 

Aima described everything 

Medora: it's ok aima. give me your limb.

 she kept her paw on the broken limb and pushed it to get the bones in right place. then she got some turmeric their royal majusi rubbed it on the eye.

Aima: it ...hurts!

Medora: fuli your turn

she did the same for full and gave her a leaf to chew on.

Medora: it will help too.

Fuli: thanks.

Kion and rani: what about us?

Medora: oh! yes come

she took them to a steep and vast plateau.

Medora: cross it *going around it would take them a whole day! *

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