EP22- getting comfortable

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{hope you know all the characters now}

in the evening; kion and his team have cleaned the way; Medora and onya came.

Medora: your team has done a good work kion now you may come

just as lion guard began to enter

Medora: wait!!, onya call aima

Aima came.

Aima: what is it medora?

Medora: we need to welcome the new guests

Aima: I am not going to welcome them like that

Medora: tradition?

Aima: fine.

at the gate aima stood at the right most and medora at the leftmost; they kept one paw ahead and laid their heads down in pride

Medora: welcome

Aima: your villain welcome ceremony is over so may I go?

Medora: that is not the way to greet ! they are our guests

Aima: fine

Kion: well I and rani need help from the 5 element flower

Medora: 5 element flower  only queen can use it, and mom is currently on a journey, well I am the elder princess and the queen to be and she is the younger princess. the queen will come in 2-3 days till then I will carry your basic training. there are various steps before getting treated with the flower.

Aima: they must have come to steal the flower

Medora: aima!?

Aima: sorry.

Medora: now Aima show them their lair and be PLEASENT. we shall help them to heal fast

Aima: yes heal fast and go fast lion

Medora: warning you for the last time aima

aima: ok, come lion and team

Bunga: his name is kion 


after reaching the lair.

Aima: this is your lair, just beside lifeviours and my lair. if you need any help  feel free to come even in the middle of the night. an well I would like to talk to you lion, alone

kion: ok,

Aima: I don't know what have you done to my sister. she trusts you more then me. and till now, you are welcome by my sister NOT ME 

they reached the lair.

Aima : bonne nuit [good night in french]

Bunga: what?

Aima: rani, shubh ratri[good night in hindi]; kion and team,usiku mwema[good night in swahili]

she left.

Kion: she doesn't seem like what she speaks. i think is is just her protection of her land. 

Rani: yes, I can see that leader and loyalty in her eyes.

bunga: but I don't think you will be able to make her friend 

Kion: if it is so, I bet you, till the day we go she will become our friend.

bunga: you're on it

Fuli: I am tiered let's sleep

Kion: yeah! 

everybody went to sleep

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