I walked back to my house and I saw Aqua sitting on my door step. She looked up and ran to me. "Look Lois I'm so sorry I didn't mean to, I just wanted to have a good time and I didn't want to deal with you being mad at me, please forgive me" she babbled. I stayed strong and I spoke. "Aqua I know you too well and I know that you didn't drunken me for just 'having a good time' alright, now I do forgive but I don't know about being your best friend" I said crossing my arms. "Oh please don't do that, look I promise I will never do that to you again I promise" she pleaded. "Just go away Aqua I don't want to DEAL with you right now" I said walking to my door. "Ok if thats what you want" she said leaving.

I felt HORRIBLE. I never did that to Aqua but, you never know who's a true friend until you find one in the end. I walked inside my house. I ran upstairs to get changed in my pj's. I ran back down stairs to make midnight snacks. I picked out some movies and so I texted Atlantic. All of that took like 2 hours to do.

Lois: hey you can come now my address is 7834 sw 97 ave west beach cov.

(Authors note: the address is not real I just made it up)

Atlantic🏄: alrighty I will be there in 10.

Lois: okay take your time.

I placed my phone down and waited. As I waited I took my apple laptop out and I started to watch youtube and vine. For some reason I wanted to do those cool stuff. I immediately remembered that I have a canon EOS rebel T3i camera. I took it out and started flipping threw picrures.

I heard a knock on the door. I ran as fast as I could and I'm opened it. "Hey time to sleepover" she said. "Yes" I said letting her past in. "Wow your house is HUGE" she said looking around. "Thanks it is big" I said smiling. "So what are we gonna do?" she asked. "Um....wanna watch a some movies while eating midnight snacks" I said. "Of course!" she said getting really excited. I really like Atlantic's motivation it's unique.

We sat down on my really big couch and we started watching The Maze Runner. We ate so many chips desersts and juices. I had the cardboard juices because I'm too lazy to get a glass cup.

1 hour later

Once the movie finshed it was 2:57 in the morning. Atlantic yawned which made me yawn. "I think it's time to go to sleep now" I said stretching. "I agree" Atlantic said getting up. I got the junk food and I placed them in the kitchen. Atlantic and I went upstairs. "Here this will be your room" I said opening my mothers bedroom. "The there's a bathroom for you to do your private stuff" I said leading her to the bathroom. "This is a pretty big room" she said. "Yeah it's use to be my moms" I said smiling but then frowning. "Whats wrong are you okay?" Atlantic asked. "Oh yes I'm fine, we should get some sleep" I said.

"Well okay, good morning" she said. "Good morning" I said.

I closed her door and I went to my room. I brushed my teeth and I read my book. Its called Don't Wake Me Up.

(Author's note: Made up book)

I really like this book. It's about a girl name Emily. She was heading to her cousins house and she got in a car crash. But she didn't die. Then these people pulled up to help her. As you know it she falls in love and yata yata yata.

I finshed reading my book and I fell asleep.

Morning came and I was dead. "Good morning again" Atlantic said bursting threw my door. "What time is it?" I asked. "It is....11:02" she said. "Ugh I'm so tired" I said stretching. "Yeah because we stayed up late" she said leaving the room.

I got out of bed and I went to my bathroom. I had surfing today but I can't ditch my new friend. I brushed my teeth, combed my hair, I put makeup on and I put some whatever cloths.

My whatever cloths is sweatpants and a tie dye shirt. I pulled my hair up in a messy bun and I put my nerdy girly glasses on.

I usually don't put my glasses on constantly but, I like to wear them. I only need glasses for seeing far away. I went downstairs and I saw Atlantic making breakfast. "Yum. what is that?" I asked. "Oh this is a quesadilla" she said. "Yummy" I said sitting on my island chair. She was finshed and so she gave me mine and she sat next to me. "So why were you so sad yesterday?" she asked. "Oh.... Um unslikebdkdbzk" I said with my mouth full. "Hahahaha you sound funny with your mouth full but, I'm serious I get worried sometimes" she said while eating her quesadilla. "My mother died and my dad has been dead since I was 10 years old" I blurted out. I put my head down and tears started running but, I stopped them. "OMG Lois I'm soooo sorry I didn't know it was this big" she said giving me a tight hug. I gave her a hug back. "Look whenever you need help on ANYTHING come to me" she said letting go the hug "ok I promise I will" I said with a weak smile.

"Ok well lets get happy now, c'mon lets gooo!" she said getting off her chair and putting music on from her iphone. I got up and I started dancing with her. We both heard a knock on the door. "Oh wonder who it is?" I said. I walked to the door and I saw....

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