Description and powers

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Aight so, your abilities are as follows;

Can fly- very fast and can carry twice their body weight in the air

Dog- like sense of smell

Mimicry: Kind of a power but not really,  just kind of like how people do impressions of animals y/n can mimic certain animal calls even sounds like human screams and baby cries.

Breathes fire- like mentioned in the prolouge can breathe blue fire without getting burned as well as regular orange fire. Can also set self on fire with enough energy

Is fireproof- do I need to explain this one?

Camouflage- like explained earlier works like a chameleon, blends in but not invisible. Most of the time occurs passively but can be 'turned off' when in a safe and comfortable environment which is when s/c (scale colour) will be used.
Scales can sometimes change colour due to strong emotions as well - blue for sad red for angry green for jealous and so on, I'll try to make it as obvious as possible when this is happening eyes will also change colour when an emotionis at its strongest.

Diamond scales- also mentioned earlier scales are normally impenetrable and strong as diamonds, this only works when you shed your skin regularly, however due to being in captivity for so long they are much easier to break through (although still quite strong)

Can hold breath for a long time- for flying at high altitudes and swimming underwater

Healing- can heal faster than average as well as having saliva that speeds up the healing process- this works on both yourself and others. Healing power only works on the whole body at once which is why y/n couldn't start healing until the arrows were out, which led to you almost bleeding out - this is how Bakugo saved you by taking out the arrows

Has a quirk?- so almost every dragon has the powers listed above but only a few have unique powers, yours is the ability to make yourself shrink to any size between normal and about the size of a large housecat - this power was awakened due to constant abuse from your captors making you feel small and weak causing your body to adapt to your mindset allowing you to shrink. You only now use it when it is absolutely necessary or you feel completely safe as your physical strength also shrinks with your size.

Right now for some culture;

Life debts or sometimes called life bonds- when someone (or something) saves a dragons life the dragon is honourbound to protect them until they have saved the others life in return. The dragon will always be able to sense when the other is in danger. An old dragon legend states that if the one you are bound to dies before the debt is payed the dragon will die as well, however others just say it is passed on to whoever shares the closest bond to the other.
When Dabi saved you a life debt was made until you protected him when it was payed off, you left immediately after because you knew you were weak and didn't want to give him the chance to get you indebted to him again.
You instinctually become very protective of whoever you are bonded to.

Relationship whith humans- A long time ago like before quirks existed dragons and humans lived in peace yadda yadda anyways basically humans were salty cos dragons were too awesome or something so started killing them with weapons that dragons taught them how to make cos their dumb metal sticks couldn't do damage to their armour.
Basically dragons went into hiding but still kept the whole don't kill a human unless its self defence or what ever to 'respect our heritage' (protecting a life bond is also counted as self defence as well as defending others)
This is one of the main reasons y/n didn't try to kill and eat Bakugo.. at least thats what you tell yourself.

Grooming- so like when you licked Bakugo is a sign of trust, thanks and affection (only ever romantic affection with other dragons)

You are what is known as a lunar dragon as you can absorb energy from the moon, this is how you were able to fly Dabi all the way to a city at night but were forced to land when the sun rose.
You aren't by any means weak during the day just much stronger during the night, the exception of course being if you're injured like in part 1

Also side note, in many things I've read with dragon readers they end up somehow turning into a human or humanoid and getting into a relationship with another character. This will most likely NOT happen in this book, as in I am not planning it on happening and if it does it will most likely be in a one-shot
I made you able to shrink tho so cuddles are still able to happen.
Let me make this clear, you are a dragon you cannot feel romantic attraction towards humans you can have 'love' like how a pet loves their owner or a child loves their parents but nothing more.

If any of yall do want that though I may make a one shot or spin off if enough people want it

Anyway I think that's everything if I missed anything I will come back and add it later.
My updates are probably gonna become a bit more irregular from now.
I just wanted to get the first part and prolouge out as soon as possible so yea
Later loves
~ Axel x

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