We'll try it - Chapter 14

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Its a week ago since the talk. We really spent more time together. Cattleya, Hodgins and Dietfried now know that we wand to try a relationship, they also know that we want wo wait until I'm 18. They all happy for us.

Gilbert and I went into a restaurant last week, it was beautiful! We talked hours! When it was dark and we could saw the moon, we walked to a park and watched the stars together. It was midnight when we arrived at home. I appreciate the time with him, we can talk, laugh, but I still miss something. Everytime when we go into our rooms, I feel lonely and I want the Major on my side...

In the mornings he walks into my room to wake me up, then we go to the others to ear breakfast.

But in three weeks Hodgins, Cattleya and I have to go back. I want to ask him if he want to visit us sometime, when we can't come.
I'm relieved that he's alive and that he got his brother back.
And He got his memories back, so we hav3 to have a got time now! It's the only thing I wish for.

"Violet? Are you  coming for dinner!"  Cattleya asked. "Y-yes! wait a second." I answered and ran out of my room.  When I arrived in the kitchen, everyone was there- waiting... for me.
I still can remember when I had nobody, just the Major and me. He gave me my name and everything I have now. Without him- I wouldn't know Hodgins and Cattleya.
"Violet? What are you thinking about?" Gilbert asked me, with a worried face. I shake my head. "Nothings wrong, Just thought." I whispered. I don't like to talk about my feelings. It's to personal for me, I got them not long ago, and now I love Gilbert and he loves me. I understand what it means and it feels so real this time, I don't want to lose that. 


Now we have to go, last week I talked every free time with Gilbert and his Brother. He's very kind of you get to know him. I really like how they are with each other, they behave like they were sixteen, they make jokes and laugh all the time they together.

"Goodbye Violet, I will see u soon" Gilbert said and hugged me. "Goodbye, write me please." I mumbled on his Shirt. He nodded.

After I hugged Gilbert I said goodbye to Dietfried, he also wants to write me, he even smiled at me.
I love my new little family with all its edges!
But now Cattleya, Hodgins and I going back and visit them next summer, but Gilbert promised me, he would come next month. He want to know where his old friend is working.

//Next week new Chapter!//

Violet Evergarden💙✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon