No Destractions

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A boy with brown hair,a star trek bag, and glasses walk around the corner of a cafeteria. He begins walking down the halls. -

       "Now I know what your thinking. Another lame ass school story where they make two nerdy references ,queerbait with five seconds of a cis white gay guy who says a single line,and loads and loads of sex. But nope. Not this story. 

        My name is Eric,I'm 18 years old and a pansexual guy. Pronouns are he and they,and this is my school,my collage. And I've been going here for two months. 

       I keep socializing to a minimum with anyone but my roommate Kai. I plan on dropping out at some point but im sticking around for this year bc Kai and his boyfriend and partner are all very nice and they get all my references so,I'll stick here for them. For now at least,so I'm trying a little,just enough to not get kicked out. 

       Which means I have no time for parties or getting shit faced. Only time for YouTube,homework when I feel like it,and oh course"

         He stops in front of a dorm door and knocks that one annoying knock we all do.

     "Watching nerdy ass movies with Kai and his partners as well light up. Not that I encourage smoking under the age of like 20,but I'm a dumbass. So. Idunno."

      Kai,a black male with purple dreads and a crop top,opens the door with a wide smile,then says,"Doth say the raven?" 

     Eric makes a confused face. "Okay. First off,no. That's not the line at all." Eric says in a sassy tone. 

      Kai turns around walking in and says,"Sorry, not my fault I don't know Shakespeare." As he dramatically moves his arm up.

       "Not Shakespeare dude. Oh yep you're high. Do you even know who Edgar Al- " Eric is about to go on a rant. 

      Kai quickly interrupts shoving a letter in Eric's face as he be blows smoke out his nose. He blinks slowly and says,"Eric,my dear clever dumbass,you sir have a letter!" 

     "A letter?" Eric asks as he takes and begins unwrapping the letter. 

     Kai adds,"Not that you asked,but its from the Dean." 

     Eric stops for a second. "Oh man,I've been extra careful not to piss anyone off and do passing on my grades. Other than one class but that teacher is a prick and who even needs to know-"

      Kai stops him. "Open it. Read the letter." 

     Eric stops and reads the letter. He makes a relieved face then immediately one of confusion. 

     "What?" Kai asks.

      "One of my classes got changed because Mrs.Karen is having her spon of satan." Eric says.

     Kai raises an eyebrow. "Satan has nothing to do with that woman,Jerry. He Is not the father and that bitch wants child support. Wait. You said he when you were talking about that one class and that teacher." 

     "Yes,Kai. I misgender him bc I hate her." Eric sassily explains. 

     Kai looks Eric up and down. 

"You know thats only funny with cis people,right." 

   "Of course,Kai! Are you insane."Eric says. 

Eric and Mr.GreenWhere stories live. Discover now