7 - Thread

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Warning(s): mention of blood and stitches/the process of stitching

The door to the cabin burst open, causing eighteen-year-old Elaine to jump a foot off the ground. She frowned as she recognized the silhouette in the door.


"Hi," Nadia managed before she tried to step forward and swooned.

Elaine swore in Greek and barely managed to catch Nadia, but not before her nose hit the floor and broke.

"Ow," Nadia said absentmindedly.

"I'm so sorry, Dia," Elaine murmured as she got her into the bed in the middle of the room designated for any injured cabin-mates.

Elaine quickly grabbed a small piece of ambrosia and forced Nadia to eat it while she grabbed the medical supplies. She pressed a tissue into Nadia's hands so she could stem the blood trickling from her nose.

"Dia, what in Hades happened?"

Nadia shrugged, or shrugged the best she could considering she was laying flat. "Stupid monster in the woods."

Elaine's eyebrows soared. "And what exactly were you doing in the woods? Especially far enough in to warrant an attack?"

Nadia shifted uncomfortably, clearly not wanting to answer the question at hand.

Elaine managed to cut open the tear in Nadia's jeans a little further and cut off the bottom of her shirt. "Nadia. What were you doing in the woods?"

"Daniel called me a wuss and said I wouldn't go in there. And he wasn't exactly satisfied with me staying in the safer areas," Nadia mumbled softly, but Elaine caught every word.

She sighed. Nadia had a knack for accepting bets and dares recklessly, paying no heed to her own personal safety. She was too prideful to deny one, and she would walk to Tartarus before she willingly admitted she was scared.

"Dia, you gotta stop doing that," she said as she cleaned the wounds.

Nadia clenched her jaw so tightly that Elaine thought she would have to do emergency dental work too.

"Sorry, I know that's not a pleasant feeling."

"You don't say," Nadia hissed, earning a chuckle from Elaine. Even injured, Nadia still retained her sarcastic abilities.

"Just one more, I promise," Elaine said, taking Nadia's hand for her to squeeze if she needed it.

As she touched the antiseptic to Nadia's stomach, Nadia gripped Elaine's hand so tight that a couple of Elaine's joints popped. As Elaine continued, Nadia whimpered a little.

"I'm so sorry, Dia, we're done now."

Nadia exhaled heavily. "You don't have to do this by hand, you know. You're one of the best healers in this camp even without using your powers."

"I know, but I prefer to do it the old-fashioned way. No disrespect to our dear old Dad."

Elaine ran a piece of thread through a needle, prepping it to stitch up a particularly nasty and deep cut on Nadia's thigh.

"I will use my power to heal your nose, though," she admitted. "Never quite figured out how to do it the old-fashioned way."

Nadia grinned.

The two girls were silent after that as Elaine worked to stitch her best friend up.



"Do you think we'll be okay?"

Elaine looked up from her work, confused. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, you know the prophecy, Lane. What do you think's gonna happen?"

Elaine frowned and tied off her final stitch. She was silent for a moment, deep in thought.

"If I'm honest, I don't know," she confessed. "But I know whatever happens, we're gonna be okay. Percy's got it under control."

Nadia nodded. The pair remained silent for another moment before Elaine spoke again, her voice much cheerier.

"Now, let's fix that nose of yours and head to dinner, alright?"

A/N: hi XD sorry for not posting yesterday, things just got so busy and overwhelming and I needed to sleep haha. As you can tell, I've fallen in love with the world of Camp Half-Blood all over again, especially since I just finished "The Tower of Nero". No spoilers or anything (from me or in the comments, be nice y'all) but man it was so good!!! Also Solangelo is endgame and owns my whole heart. Anyways, I might turn Elaine and Nadia into full blown characters with their own story, but I'm not sure. I have an idea for a half blood story, but we'll see. I have other stories to focus on right now haha. But I hope you enjoyed!

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