Chapter Twenty-Six

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The plan that they came up with seemed to be almost foolproof.


Chris snuck through the back door and immediately rushed into the bathroom. He needed to take a shower to get all of the red paint out of his hair.

It was quite annoying that he had to take a shower after every villain excursion, but it was more than an even trade to hide his identity.

But it was still annoying as fuck.

Chris quickly threw off his clothes and stepped into the shower, turning it on. Chris quickly washed his hair out, the red swirling down the drain like usual.

If the shower was eventually stained red, Chris honestly wouldn't be surprised.

Chris quickly got out of the shower, drying his hair with a towel. The shower took less than five minutes.

Chris put on some clothes that he stored in one of the bathroom cabinets. Ever since the first night of his career in villainy, Chris decided to start putting a change of clothes in the bathroom before he went out for convenience. He really got this whole thing planned out.

Chris balled up his villain clothes and exited the bathroom, walking over to his and Minho's room. Chris immediately threw the clothes under his bed.

"Hey, Channie."

Chris turned towards Minho, who was laying on his bed doing something on his phone. "Hey, Min."

"Did you get those gummy bears that you said you were going to get?"

Chris blinked. He completely forgot that he said he was going to the store to get gummy bears as an excuse to why he was leaving. "Uh, well... they were out of stock."

Minho frowned. "Oh, I'm sorry. You seemed really excited to get those gummy bears."

Chris nodded, walking over to Minho's bed and sitting down next to Minho who was now sitting up. Chris side hugged Minho. "Yeah. I'm quite disappointed. They should've had them and I'm really mad."

Minho hugged Chris back, the two falling in a comfortable silence. Ever since the two started dating earlier that day, Minho has been extremely cuddly. Chris found it quite cute.

Minho yawned, causing Chris to chuckle. Minho was so cute. "Are you tired?"

Minho nodded. "Yeah. I was waiting for you to get back to sleep."

Chris helped Minho lay down, the two still hugging each other. "You didn't have to do that, Min. You should have slept if you're tired."

Minho grumbled, slipping into unconsciousness. "Yeah... okay..."

And then Minho fell asleep.

Chris internally chuckled, staring at Minho's sleeping face. He looked very peaceful.

Even though they haven't been dating for more than a day, Chris found himself to be way happier. Seeing Minho so happy spread happiness to him.

Chris' feelings have gotten a little bit less confusing. As he thought more about it, he honestly wouldn't mind spending his whole life with Minho.

Maybe he really did like him romantically.

Chris closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep with a small smile on his face as his mind filled with many happy thoughts.


Chris woke up, immediately looking around. He was in Minho's bed.

But Minho wasn't there.

Chris sleepily sat up, confused. Chris looked at his alarm clock.

It was a little past 9 am.

Where did Minho go?

Chris shrugged it off after thinking for a while. He probably went out for a morning run. He usually takes one in the morning.

Chris got up, walking to the living room. Minho's dad was there, watching the television. "Hey, Chan. Good morning. Did you sleep well?"

Chris nodded, sitting down on the couch. "Yeah."

Chris turned his attention to the television, it was turned to the news as always.

"...that Strike and Mega are here to assist the fire department in saving people out of this burning building, right here behind me. It is currently unknown as to how the fire started..."

Chris watched as the news reporter spoke in front of a burning apartment building, Strike and Mega behind her saving people from the building that couldn't get down. Chris' eyes widened.

This was exactly how his family died.

Chris watched as the scene went on, Mega assisting the firefighters in putting the fire out with his icy wind. Strike exited the building, carrying nobody else. The building must've been completely evacuated.

The fire was eventually put out, everyone on the scene cheering. Chris gritted his teeth. This was literally the biggest reminder he could ever get of how his life changed.

Chris stood up and stormed over to his and Minho's room. The reminder really put fuel into his fire of anger towards the hero. How come Strike could successfully save everyone this time but not when it was his apartment building?

Chris couldn't wait to get his revenge on Strike.

A/N I'm lowkey considering making a crack fic just for gits and shiggles because they're so hecking hilarious and cringe but then everyone who sees it first will think I write like that all the time and probably think I'm weird lmao. idk lol



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