Chapter Twenty-Five

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Minho was happy, so he was happy too.


Chris walked into an alley, dressed up in his villainous attire. His now red-streaked blonde curly hair fell into his eyes. Chris strode over to the dumpster in the alley, standing next to it with a small smile on his face.

Chris was certainly in a good mood. Ever since Minho's confession earlier that day. Minho seemed to be way less stressed and that made Chris so unbelievably relieved. He was so glad that his now-boyfriend was happy.

Two figures appeared in the alley, walking up to Chris. One of them eyed Chris, eyebrows raised. "Wow, you certainly seem happy. Your face is literally radiating happiness."

Tekit and Slick decided with Chris to meet that night to plan their enormous crime to turn the public against Strike and Mega.

Chris nodded dreamily. "Yeah, something happened today. I'm so happy."

Tekit chuckled. "I can tell. Anyways, are you ready to start planning?"

Chris nodded. "Yeah. What exactly are we going to do?"

Slick shivered. "Th-three large c-crimes. Th-three d-diferent places."

"What crimes can we do?"

Tekit tapped his foot. "We need to do things that garner a ton of attention. We can't do something small, like rob a bank. That's pathetic. Rather, we need to do something on such a large scale. It's like an act of terrorism but without the politics."

"S-Strike and M-Mega c-can't be able to m-manage them all at th-the s-same t-time."

Chris furrowed his eyebrows in thought. "So, should we do it in places that have high densities of people?"

Tekit nodded. "That would be ideal."

Slick smiled sinisterly, chuckling. "W-we could d-do a repeat o-of my infamous s-school a-attack."

Slick's school attack when he terrorized a whole school by melting the whole building was one of the greatest crimes a supervillain has done of all time. The body count in that was extremely high, killing mostly everybody in the building. Chris nodded. "I think that a school would be a good target. The amount of people there that we could terrorize is enormous, and it's even better that they're all minors."

Tekit laughed, agreeing. "Goodbye, future generation."

Slick nodded, hugging himself. "Th-that's one l-location. W-we need t-two more."

The trio stayed silent for a bit, deep in thought. After a bit, Tekit snapped his robotic fingers, looking at the other two. "The airport! We could do the airport. There's many people there, and we could malfunction all of the airplanes as they take off. It's more mass murder."

Chris smiled. "Ooh, yeah. I like that idea. I also was thinking of the mall. There's no doubt that a mall would be packed with people."

Slick nodded. "I-I like both o-of th-those. O-okay, s-so we have our l-locations, wh-who should d-do each o-one?"

Tekit looked at Slick. "I can do the airport. I could cause malfunctions to the airplanes quite easily and then attack everybody inside."

"O-okay. C-Crash, d-do you w-want to d-do th-the school?"

Chris pondered for a moment before nodding. "Sure. I think I'll be able to do something at the school. Besides, terrorizing children is fun."

Slick chuckled at Chris' statement. "S-sounds good. I-I'll take care of the m-mall."

Tekit nodded. "Okay. I think we should do it in the middle of the day, does next Friday sound okay?"

Friday? Chris had school that day.

Well, he could skip school. To Chris, this was far more important than education. "Yeah. I have a question though. Are we doing them all exactly at the same time?"

Tekit thought for a moment before looking at Chris, his robotic red eye making eye contact with him. "I think actually it might be better to stagger it. I think that we could make it so Strike and Mega think they have everything under control, then we can slowly overwhelm them."

"Well, h-how c-can we know w-when to st-stagger them?"

Tekit shifted his weight on one leg to the other. "Let's say I go first. I can start my crime, and you two can keep radios on hand. As soon as they report it on the news, just start. That way, we know for sure that Strike and Mega know what is happening."

Slick nodded. "O-okay. You go f-first then and I-I'll g-go s-second. C-Crash, do you m-mind g-going last?"

Chris shook his head. "No. That'll be fine. Besides, that way, Strike and Mega won't show up until way later and then I'll be able to terrorize more people."

Tekit smiled. "Strike and Mega will be so overwhelmed and boom. Public enemy. It's perfect."

Chris couldn't help but agree.

The plan that they came up with seemed to be almost foolproof.

A/N So based off of my outline and what I think will happen, this book will probably end at around thirty-two/thirty-three chapters. just a heads up.

hope you have a good day. :)


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