The Meeting

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Vegeta and Bulma

The earthlings have already been trapped on planet Vegeta. " Let me go! My daddy's gonna put you in jail you bastards! " A blue haired female earthling said. She kicked one of the saiyan males where the sun don't shine. " You... I'll kill you " He said. " Served you right! " She said. Suddenly a burst of laughter comes from a saiyan child with hair spiked up. " And who are you? " She asked. " I am Vegeta the fourth. Proud prince of this fine planet Vegeta " He smirked.

" What type of arrogant asshole would name their planet after themself? And then 3 children later with the same name? I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree seeing how conceited you are, dumbass " She rolled her eyes. " That's quite a mouth you've got there earth woman " Vegeta said, annoyed and having a vein visible. " Careful you might pop one of your 'oh so great' blood vessles " She rolled her eyes. " You...! " He said, grabbing her by her collar.

Then he gets an idea. " Your coming with me " He smirked. " Like hell I am! " She said, she tried to slap him but he catches her wrist. " Not gonna work on me " He chuckled. He picks her up and throw her over his shoulder. " Put me down now!! " She said, punching his back. Vegeta just ignored her.

~At the palace~

" Eh— who is this? " Vegeta(the third) asked his son. " An earthling girl! I think I want to keep her around me for a little " He said. " Um okay... just clean up after her and give her a bath or whatever. I'm not taking care of it for you " He said. " I promise I will!! Please let me keep her!! " He said. " I'm not a damn pet you insensitive assholes!!! " She said, punching both of them in the heads.

Goku and ChiChi

The saiyan child stood on top of a rock, watching as the earthlings were lead into the palace walls. Then he saw her. A girl with black hair, she had blue and pink armor on. She was arguing with some old man. " Awesome!! " He said, jumping down. He landed in front of her, some of the saiyans were a bit surprised. " Uh, prince Kakarot! Wh-what are you doing here? " One of the guards asked. " Her " He pointed to her. " Uh— me? " She blushed. " This is a female earthling child. " He explains. " I want her " He said.

Her face turned red. " W-what do you mean? " The other guard asked. " I mean you can't take her. She's coming home from me " He said holding her hand. " Let's go " He smiled pulling her along. " Goku...? " She asked. " What's a... Goku? " He asked. " O-oh! I had a pet cat named Goku. He has spiked hair like yours. You kinda remind me of him " She explains. " I already have a name, it's Kakarot. Buuut, you can call me Goku like a nickname " He smiled, making her blush.

" Okay " She smiles back. " Oh, by the way. What's your name? " He asked. " My name is Chichi " She said. " That's a really pretty name ChiChi " He said, her face turned red. " Hmm, your face keeps changing color. Are you okay? " He asked. " Yeah I'm fine it happens sometimes. Nothing to worry about " She waves it off.

~At his house~

" Seriously Bardock calm down. It's obvious that he likes her " Gine said. " How dare a lowly earth child raise her hand to a saiyan Elite's son " He scowled. " Whatever " She rolled her eyes. " Kakarot's got a girlfriend! Kakarot's got a girlfriend! Kakarot's got a girlfriend! " Raditz teases. " Shut up! Your just jealous! " Goku stick his tongue out. " You little brat! " He said. The two started fighting. " Hey! Stop fighting! " Bardock said, trying to break up the fight but gets roped into it. " Boys... " Gine said.

They ignored her. " Boys " She repeated. They still ignored her. " BOYS!! " She shouted. They all stopped and looked at her, fear growing on their faces. The three are hit in the head with a frying pan. " You wanna fight do it outside! " She said angrily.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2020 ⏰

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