Chapter two ~ the two figures.

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Harry sat there, shaking violently in the corner, his big, beefy uncle walking toward him. Harry pushed his head between his knees as far as he could go that way he could guard his ribs and vital organs. With a blow to the head Harry could see the black spots starting to spot his eyes that he knew all to well, it was starting to consume him, but he didn't let it he couldn't show weakness or he would get a bad beating, 10x worse than the one he was receiving right now. So he sat there getting kicked, punched, sat on, whipped, and thrown into walls. He picked his head up after not feeling anything for about a minute, as soon as he did a massive hand came across and smacked him in the face. It stung. Bad. He whimpered as his uncle picked him up by his neck "do you know why I am doing this to you?" His uncle asked in a flustered voice. "I was a bad boy" Harry replied quietly. "And what did you do to receive this punishment" his uncle asked, anger rising in his voice, "I touched Dudley" (he bumped into him yall it wasn't inappropriate) said Harry in almost a whisper. "Yes, and now you're paying for your actions. My son does not deserve to be touched by a freak" Harry could feel the wrath from his uncle Vernon now. His uncle threw him to the ground and walked quickly up the stairs and into his bedroom. Harry saw the black dots again but once again fought them off. His uncle can back down the stairs in a seemingly better mood a couple minutes later. Harry knew exactly why. His uncle had the belt. He walked over to Harry who was crumpled on the floor where his uncle had dropped him moments before now. Vernon raised the belt and brought it down with the force of an elephant landing on a balloon, that's what it sounded like too. Harry was dragged out to the backyard before he could get any blood on the floor. His uncle raised the belt again and brought it down on him with just as much force as the first time, and again, and again, this went on for another 40 minutes. Harry lying there in a puddle of his own blood. "You're not coming into my house until you get cleaned up freak" said Vernon through his famous clenched teeth. "Freak" Harry had been hearing that a lot more recently, even more than usual, and usual was quite a lot. His train of thought was quickly stopped when he saw his uncle walking over to him with a hose in one hand and "the" bag of salt in the other. "Turn" Vernon ordered. Harry obeyed without a second thought. Harry hollered as the salt was scrubbed into his cuts, his uncle didn't stop though, Harry could feel the satisfaction radiating off of his uncle, without even seeing his face he knew he was grinning from ear to ear. The salt rubbing finally stopped and Harry's muscles loosened slightly but not completely, they actually never loosened completely. Harry was always very tense. His uncle grabbed the hose, he ran his hand under the stream up water making sure it was ice cold. His uncle turned the pressure up painfully high and started to spray the blood off of Harry as painfully as possible, which worked, Harry fell to the ground and it felt like he would never get back up. His uncle walked over and stood above him to finish hosing him off. After finishing he threw clothes outside to Harry and sat in the living room waiting for him to finish getting dressed so that he could lock the cupboard after Harry got in. Harry stumbled up the stairs and walked through the door. His uncle stood up, walked over, and grabbed Harry by his hair. He brought him over to his cupboard and threw him had first into the wall, he slammed the door shut and locked it. Harry laid down gingerly us he felt one of his older cuts rip back open. He just laid there though, until finally falling to sleep.

Harry woke up to a big hand ripping his little malnourished body from his cupboard. He was pushed into the kitchen and ordered to make French toast, Harry obeyed of course, and got to work. He didn't burn any of the French toast gladly. He walked over to his chair in the corner and sat politely with his hands folded in his lap. His uncle handed him one piece of French toast. Harry perked up immediately, he had forgotten it was feeding day. Harry slowly ate the piece of French toast, savoring every last bite. His cousin Dudley had consumed 7 pieces of French toast in the amount of time it took Harry to finish just one. Harry collected the dishes and started cleaning them, his uncle walked over and smacked him in the back of the head. "See you tonight" he said, smirking.

Throughout the day Harry completed all of his chores and then headed to his room to take a nap before his uncle got home.

Vernon stomped through the door making sure to make Harry jolt awake and crack his head off of the ceiling. He looked over just as his uncle ripped the door open. Vernon wrapped his pudgy fingers all the way around Harry's tiny little bicep and ripped him from his bed. He dragged him to the kitchen just as he had that morning. "We want spaghetti" his uncle said smiling as if he were ordering from a restaurant, but still didn't say please of course. Harry began to cook just as Dudley walked over and splashed some of the boiling water onto Harry's leg. Harry screamed as the burn went through the layers of his skin, Harry ran to his cupboard and ripped his jeans off and put a different pair on over his hidden band aid that he has placed onto the large burn. He went back to the kitchen and continued to cook. Once he was finished he Served the meal to the family. The Dursley's finished their dinner as Harry watched. He collected the dishes, cleaned them, and then put them away in the cabinets.

Once he finished his work in the kitchen he headed for his cabinet thinking he could fall asleep without a beating tonight. He was wrong. He was beat exactly the same as last night. The punching, kicking, whipping, the salt, and then the hose. He was then shoved into his cupboard and locked in for the night.

This process went on for the next 16 days which turned into the next 2 years, sometimes with more whipping, sometimes more kicking, but never less than before. It progressively got worse as Harry grew older too,he had 3 days between each brutal beating to give him a chance to heal but it wasn't enough. It would never be enough.

He was ready to give up when in the middle of the night, he heard the door loudly swing open and through the slots in his door he saw to figures walk down the hall. They seemed to be looking for something, but Harry couldn't figure out what it was.

1,200 words! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! No one has read the last one yet Lol but that's ok, I'll keep writing :) let me know if there is anything I can do to improve my writing! Thank you :)

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