Chapter 2

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'It has been two weeks since sasuke got back from his mission and training boruto' on the other hand boruto still hadn't return from the mission sasuke gave him...

Hey sarada what are you so lost in thought for you've been like this for a while now is it due to your last mission ' the chubby potato chip loving friend of sarada's asked

Not really actually yes it is to be honest let me tell you what happened

Flash back time~

Some were out of town like 5 days away

Hey konohamaru-sensei took you long enough to report to the towns mayor' said sarada while reading her book

Sorry ' sorry the mayor was taking his time thanking us about our success it is our 10 completed s-rank mission after all ' said konohamaru

Well as long as I got rest out of this I'm
Good' said kawaki

( p.s kawaki is in this due to well you know if you read the manga )

Mitsuki is helping out around the town and taking the lost kids to there parents and also cleaning up the rest of the mess on the othe-konohamaru was cut off when he heard'

Sensei I'm done my job I've helped around town and took the kids to there parents ' Mitsuki said sliding to the floor"

' oh well done Mitsuki and well don't to you two as well yous are definitely becoming a shinobi and I'm a proud sensei to have yous as my team ' konohamaru said with a smile

' tch stop being embarrassing not cool that's not cool at all ' kawaki said with a small blush and a smile

' oya oya is someone embarrassed by our sensei speech ' mitsuki said chuckling

Sarada is also smirking Same as konohamaru

' konohamaru is looking up to the sky since it's a nice sunny day ' and I'm also proud of you boruto following in your sensei footsteps to help accomplish your dreams and to protect someone you care about  ' konohamaru said tilting to look at sarada....well I hope your not fully following in his foot steps ' konohamaru said with a slight frown...

Sarada notices her sensei gaze...

Is something on your mind sensei' the other two darted there attention to there sensei ' oh nothing sarada I'm just proud of my students that's all ' he said

' Um hello hello a girl waved out from the back a beautiful blonde hair girl and two boys while one of the boys are holding a little girls hand escorting the mayor

' hey son you left this on my office ' the mayor said handing konohamaru head band to him

Oh sorry sorry I'm ashamed of my self right now ' said konahamru

The students face palmed while mitsuki chuckled

Mayor~ well I'm totally grateful for you guys help if yous ain't in a rush I could provide yous to stay here for the night so yous can get enough rest , sleep and something to eat I'm really grateful

Well it's our job to help out when someone needs it but since we do need a little rest I'll take you up on that offer ' the three students stood up and thanked the mayor and the others around him...

It's alright it's the least I could do I'm indebted to the leaf ' said the mayor

And the sensei asked ' why is the leaving the students confused' 

becouse a nice handsome young blonde around your age came here like 5 months ago he was wearing a black cape with a little scar on his right eye also has a sword with him he also help us attacked the bandits that always come and take from us and took them
Out singled handedly if it wasn't for him these people right next to me
Would not be alive he didn't tell us his name but he was nice enough for us to trust him he kinda looked like the lord 7th of konoha' said the mayor...

A young blonde around there age the sensei said ' smiling knowing who it was ' sarada had a smile so did mitsuki and kawaki just stood there

' sarada & Mitsuki ' so your doing great huh boruto

Sarada swore she seen a tear escape her sensei eyes

The little girl said ' yea yea onit-chan helped us alot you goys should owf seen him he wash like bam bam boom Bouf he was taking them out like he was a angel sent from heaven ' said the cute little girl

And others were really and also indebted to the mysterious blonde ' if it wasn't for him we would all be dead that's why I asked for the leafs help I knew you guys were strong just like that young shinobi' the mayor said

Well I've very thankful what you just told me just know filled me up with happiness becouse the person your talking about my very be the other shinobi to this team ' konohamaru said

Hey hey Onee-Chan the girl said pointing towards sarada ' sarada then not to the girls height and smiled and said ' yes

' are you the mysterious blondes friend he was very cool ' the little girl said

Well I happen to be his friend yes he's on of my best friends ' said sarada smiling...

Flash back over ~

Ehh so yous had a run in with a town who also had a run in with boruto sounds like he is very strong but that hardly explains why your always at the training ground and thinking ' said cho cho

He singled handedly took them out cho cho by himself , himself  'sarada repeated

I  kinda struggled to help fight has a team with team 7 back at that village I need to get stronger and papa is also helping me  ' sarada said
Just how stronger are you gonna get before returning ' sarada thought

Well what ever rocks your boat sarada then it's all good I'm proud of boruto if I say so my self

Huh why is that ' sarada asked with confused

Well come on we're talking about boruto a kid who never took things seriously and didn't appreciate his dad being the hokage have you ever heard him call the 7th lord 7th sarada but from what you just told me he's gotten to be quite the young man and also a strong shinobi ' well I gotta leave soon sarada I have a mission soon and moegi-sensei doesn't like being kept up " cho cho stood up and patted her friend on the back ' don't over do it okay sarada she yelled ' then she was gone

Boruto huh ' sarada thought to her self...
I need to go lord 7th about something

    ~ time skip ~

Sarada was about to knock until Happy talk could be heard from the lord 7ths door '

Huh I wonder what's going on in there I should wait till it dies down ' before she knew it the door opened up revealing someone she didn't expect...

Sorry I took a while updating this...

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