Chapter two

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Madam Lan upon hearing his son's words was not surprised.

Lan Wangji stepped out of the room towards the corridor of his room chamber not paying any attention to his mother who keeps following.

"You knew about his arrival didn't you?" She asked making Lan Wangji stop his track staring at her emotionlessly.

"I knew but he shouldn't have come here," Lan Wangji grumbled walking past his mother.

"So you are going to kill him? Lan Wangji this is a serious matter and you know it. Why don't you ask yourself why he appeared here of all realms?"

"Whatever reason may it be, I do not care. He shouldn't have come here. The safety of my kingdom is my priority. I shall not interfere with human problems and the least I can do for them and myself is to destroy him before he becomes a threat to us."

Whatever wangji said made a point however Madam Lan felt like there was a missing puzzle on this situation. She felt restless with the idea of human execution. She only knew one thing and that is, for now, to stop his son's decision before he regrets it later.

"You need to let him go."

"No, I don't want to. He deserves death" Said Lan Wangji.

"Deserve it! I dare say he does. Many lives deserve death and some that die to deserve life. Can you give it to them?"

Puzzled and shocked Lan Wangji didn't utter a word.

"You can't answer? Then do not be to eager to deal out death in judgement for even the wise cannot see all ends. I know you mean well Lan Wangji but think about it first. You can be cruel but I never wanted you to be like this." With that being said Madam Lan left her son alone.

Thinking through what his mother said, Lan Wangji requested for Jin GuangYao presence and gave him his order, "let the human rest for tonight and release him at dawn he shall make a journey back to the human realm and I want you to gather others and search in the woods if there are more black rider looming around in the forest.

Jin GuangYao bowed and excused himself upon receiving the order.

Wei Wuxian's night turn into a bleakness night of his life. The word execution kept him awake the entire night. The room he was resting in felt even more chilly and colder than it was. He curled himself into a foetus position shivering as fresh tears stream down on the bedsheet. How did he end up in this messed-up situation? He knew very well, nobody in his family will even bother to search for him and no one cared anyway.

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