1| bad girl infatuation

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"Luke, your bad girl infatuation is showing."
- Reggie


Third POV

Selena walked into the house with a massive grin on her face. "Papa!" She yelled as she shut the front door, multiple shopping bags in hand. "I'm home!"

Her father came walking into the living room as he threw the kitchen towel over his shoulder. "What do you have there, Lena?" He questioned as he motioned to the bags.

"Just a few gifts for my favorite people!" She responded as she shook one of the bags, still grinning.

Her father shook his head, "You know bringing home gifts does not excuse the fact that you're late." He lectured with his hand on his hip.

She shrugged her shoulders gently, "But it sure does help, doesn't it?" She shook the bag teasingly.

He rolled his eyes, "...Maybe a little." He gave in. "Hand it over." With that, she happily handed him his gift.

"Where's Julie? I have a gift for her too." She asked as her eyes scanned in front of her for any sign of the young girl.

He looked up from his bag to respond, "In the studio."

"With mom's stuff?"

"With mom's stuff."

"I'll go out there to her." She told him before gathering her stuff and heading outside to the studio.

Once she reached the door she heard more than one voice which was unusual for Julie considering she only ever talked to Flynn and these voices were obviously man-like. She raised her hand to knock on the door of the studio. "Hey, Jules? I got you a gift!" She yelled toward the door.

She heard Julie whispering telling someone to be quiet and a bunch of shuffling.

Selena entered the studio to find Julie and 3 other boys standing in an odd semi-circle. "Hey Sel, you're back!" Julie yelled awkwardly as she suddenly hugged the 18-year-old girl.

"Yeah, and I come bearing gifts," Selena stated as she passed over the bag.

Julie accepted the gift but gave her sister a skeptical look. "Is this your I'm sorry I'm late gift?"

Touch /∆/ Luke PattersonWhere stories live. Discover now