Madilyn Jones

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Heyo, I'm Madilyn Jones. I'm 18. I also live in Australia. I have two best friends that I treat like sisters. They are obviously Jessie and Riley. Not to toot my own horn but I'm very proud of myself for standing up for Jessie. I'm almost positive that if it weren't for me and Riley, Jessie wouldn't be here right now. We wouldn't have had all those memories that we've had. And I feel so grateful that I stood up to her bullies. I absolutely adore her. I don't know why anyone would treat her bad.

Anyways, My parents put me in an arranged marriage 2 months ago. That was in June, it's now September 14th, the wedding is on December 25th. Yes, that's right, i'm getting married on Christmas. But I just wished that I was able to choose who I was going to marry. But I have one brother named Henry and he is 20 years old. He is very overprotective but he's nice too. 

Anyways, I'm 5'8", my favorite color is green, I don't have a favorite food because I will eat anything edible. My favorite song is classic by MKTO. My favorite animal is a wolf.  My prarents are happily married. My brother is still single and is best friends with Jessie's brother. My favorite band is ONE DIRECTION! My favorite member is Niall Horan. My parents told me that I was going to get married to Luke Hemmings. I don't really know anything about him except that he's 18, and that he's from Australia.

I have one tiny, itzy bitzy little secret. I... can control water and/or ice. I mean it's not a big deal but it's really cool. My parents know about my power even though they don't have any idea where it came from.

Well, I think that's about it, so goodbye for now.

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